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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. I would like to make a citation of my favorite sign on this forum. http://forum.pandawow.ru/image.php?u=44104&type=sigpic&dateline=1435175248 This is an affirmation.
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/image.php?u=44104&dateline=1435175008&type=profile
  3. Reserved @Update - All tests done, all possible situations were simulated, the conditions for the bug is alredy posted in the main post, hope that it gets fixed soon. @Update - One of the reasons alredy posted, I'm checking if there are other reasons. @Update 2 - Video proof posted. This took me a long time to get and specially to get the video proof, so please, fix this. Me right now.
  4. I've found the reason why it sometimes doesn't work, and I indeed saw that there are other threads about this but the most recent one is by Akuyama, but I pretend to make my own thread because I'm gonna to make changes later, changes that I don't want to botter Akuyama by Private Messages to upload his thread/upload my videos. Realm - It's happening on pandawow fun and crossrealm. Spell - Guardian Spirit Tested - 14/08/15 Description of the bug - The killing blow has to be an autoattack into an opportunity strike(or a shadowblade) proc, resuming, the opportunity strike/shadowblade is going through the guardian spirit. How it should work - Opportunity Strike/Shadowblade proc should not kill the priest if he has Guardian Spirit. Priority - 10/10 This is pretty much the Life Coccoon on a much worse scale, specially against warrior/rogue comps. Proof - (Sorry for that low quality, I had 3 world of warcraft open, one for the warrior, other for the priest and another one to resurrect the priest, but it is still visible not just the wing effect of the Guardian Spirit, but you can also see the buff).
  5. pujo2, as you can see on the proof I posted on the previous page, it do procs from special attacks(you can see that ir procced from Mortal Strike, which is a special attack). The problem is that Opportunity Strike is counting as special attack, thus it can proc from other Opportunity Strike(theoretically it is possible that a warrior can get more than 4 procs from the same attack, but it didn't happen yet). This is similar to some skills on vanilla, like the windfury weapon or the old seal of command which granted one additional attacks, so there were shamans/paladins/other classes that could one shot world bosses, there are videos about it on youtube.
  6. Accurately wrong. But there is indeed a bug where warriors lose the dampening debuff(or at least it stops being displayed). I'm still investigating this, got a few screenshots. It is probably just a display bug though. @Akuyama Upon close observation of some videos of this bug and some tests that I ran, it seems to be triggered by stuns. I'll not post the reason here, instead I'll run more tests to give a more accurate bug report. @Edit Found the bug. Bug report thread soon.
  7. I understand the pain. I reached 1.9k on july as 522 feral/496 holy priest and we would have done it almost 100% wins if the guardian spirit could proc at all times, we won elemental/mw till 100% dampening(gay match) but we werent able to win warr/rogue due to this bug. Some say that it was bugged on retail too. Welp, since I'm bored and my partners only log in once every Big Bang, I guess that I'll run some tests on the crossrealm since we can get free gear, tomorrow I'll post videos if I get anything.
  8. http://fcdn.mtbr.com/attachments/downhill-freeride/704128d1359601749t-new-school-gravity-bikes-thread-necromancy-thread-necromancy-demotivational-poster-1271554886.jpg "Agressive players" for rogues, wow. IMO shamans should have something else and the druid should have the same personality as the shaman.
  9. I've been noticing the effort that the staff has been doing to the cross-realm realm and the cross BG and arenas and I would like to make a question. The new season of the arena will start when the crossrealm BGs and arenas get implemented? Mere question, if the answer is no, you guys should consider doing so.
  10. Sometimes its kinda of a whatever since it bugs on some skills(execute moves and non-direct damage such as shadow blades, I have yet to make a bug report about this, later), so it could be used just because of its +60%. http://images.rapgenius.com/90c924a3a8d78aa52f219ad5f1034b08.400x272x1.jpg @Zhalifa Dude, I'm trying not to be offensive, but...you're playing arms/mw. I mean, holy priest/frost mage has a higher skill potential than an arms/mw because those are, on MoP(and warrior on every expansion) the simpliest classes to play on their roles(DPS and Healer). On every RPG the warrior is easy to play because it is made for more casual players, their comp has mind control, fear, polymorph, freeze, interrupt, etc, and your comp has only stun, paralysis and ring of peace(and occasional interrupts). I've given you an explanation and I bet that you're only gonna pay attention to the warrior is easy to play because it is made for more casual players.
  11. I don't know why, I don't even know if I do remember well but it procced 3 times, but that was once, and warrior is a VERY POPULAR class here, I might just not be remembering well. Still, needs a fix ASAP.
  12. You need to specify realm. Note - If it was on Fun realm, you could've bought it from the Honor Mount NPC. Also, your post needs to be within these rules.
  13. What about writing in other languages in the English chat? I couldn't find anything about it on the rules.
  14. 'Sup, missed me? Haha. Realm - Pandawow Fun Dizzylock - Chat spam - Image Xab - Caps lock + non-english language(is that muteable? I have a few SS here about it) - Image Puzzelss - Fly hack - Image *Russian Nick* - Fly hack - Image Littlebadboy and Sweetlancex - Caps lock + foreign language(french?) - Image Sweetlancex - Spam - Image Bye, good day.
  15. Meh you're right. Delete thread/close please.
  16. Indeed, but you can't do arenas with tyrannical gear to get a first impression. That would be like the Blizzard's PTR.
  17. Hello people from the forums. This thread has the intention of supporting the permanency of a realm like the Cross-Realm atm(the free PvE and PvP), so people can test a class so they can play that class on other realms, similar to what Blizzard has(the PTR, Public Test Realm). In order to people not moving permanently to this PTR(pandawow test realm, haha), every week(or so) all characters would be deleted, and there would be a limit to people online. What do you think? Write your opinion below.
  18. Exactly, instead of being instant, it would be for 50% of the alredy 50%, thus it would be 75% faster in relation to the original no-proc cast.
  19. Not sure but I think that it procs from hamstring too.
  20. I went to the cross test(aka PTR, pandawow test realm) realm and messed up a bit with some classes, did some tanks full stamina, did some BGs out of the borem and drudgery and, when I was done, I made a warrior, got him full mastery in every aspect. http://i.imgur.com/NLuwMVh.jpg
  21. You can only transmog it with 1800 on RBGs(said by noneedholy), so I'd recommend you to get the Replica version of it.
  22. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 13/08/15 Spell - Stampede(Read changelog, the spell is Ravage, not Shred). Description - If the druid is under a crowd control effect(not any, there are specific spells, such as Fear, Howl of Terror, Blood Horror and etc, which ones I don't know yet) when the 30 sec is about to pass for the free ravage proc, it doesn't come, so you have to wait +30 sec. Seems it only happens on arenas. How it should work - Should proc even under CC. Priority - 7/10 Comps with a warlock(such as resto/affli that is pretty popular) makes the DPS a lot lower by breaking combos and removing one of the most powerful solid DPS spell(specially because of the low armor that the warlocks have), not mentioning that people that are aware of this bug will watch the yellow timer buff on the druid and when it is about to end cast a fear.
  23. Did not see this thread before. I'm hyped to the new expansion, specially for all the new mechanincs there will be(OMG DRUIDS WILL HAVE CUSTOMIZATION OTHER THAN CHANGING THE HAIR COLOR), also the story doesn't seem this bad, and as I could notice, from WoD and on you're not just some random, you begin to be someone, a commander and soon a class leader. Too bad on this thread we only had negative views.
  24. Haha, his nick is written "Obama", but with russian letters. Anyway, from what I understood, it seems that he was opening on you when you were dueling and at low HP. That's not bannable and was possible on Blizzard(and it was even easier because once the duels ended there were no healing and cooldowns weren't reseted).
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