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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Confirmed, also the first comment of the Grimoire of Sacrifice states that it should increase the damage of Drain Soul and Haunt, and also the post is from 5.0.5.
  2. Update those videos to the main post. - Main Hand Windfury - Off-Hand Windfury
  3. K, ty. @Thread I'll make a test with the shamans and since I'm alredy going to log a shaman might as well record the video that I promised Dionysus. - - - Updated - - - Post updated with shaman tests. How does that "---Updated---" thing works? It bugs a lot.
  4. Edited, read my second comment on this thread.
  5. In response to this thread, I investigated further about the player Rax that was abusing(and yet left unpunished, according to proof 1 and proof 2 since it isn't known yet as a bug) some spec bug and found out what he was doing. Realms - All realms(tested on fun and crosstest). Date tested - 19/08/15 Spells - Involves the Dual Talent Specialization and the Natural Insight(or any spell that increases mana such as this one). Description of the bug - If the player picks feral as his main spec, then balance as his secondary spec, go to balance spec and use spells such as nature's swiftness and get eclipses, then swap to feral spec, but in the middle of the cast to the primary spec(which is feral) if he times the logout right, he can maintain the eclipse, nature's swiftness and get 300k mana. I did the inverse(got balance as main spec and feral as secondary spec) and got the opposite result, which proves that my point is right. How it should work - Player should NOT maintain eclipse/300k mana pool/nature's swiftness(and this one bugs if he does this glitch, making any spell castable on his cat form/travel form/bear form). Priority - 9/10. If people take knowledge of this bug, expect warriors and mages abusers migrate to ferals. Proof http://i.imgur.com/gV5iWKz.jpg Link - http://i.imgur.com/gV5iWKz.jpg Update This is happening with every class and spec. Just tested with shamans. Notice the 60k mana with elemental spec. Images http://i.imgur.com/oNWdoAR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xax5AXO.jpg Links - http://i.imgur.com/oNWdoAR.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/xax5AXO.jpg My suggestion on how to fix this - Just make it to be unable to log out while changing specs or casting anything(similar to the duel error when you try to log out when dueling). This way it is possible to prevent a lot of other bugs that "descends" from this one.
  6. I was a 3.3.5. admin and players had my skype(a bit before DDoSing by skype was less popular). You. Can't. Possibly. Imagine. The. Shit. Storm. I'm also a simple man. I see an emoji, I dislike.
  7. Screenshots that proves that the bug is still active: LOL 1 LOL 2 LOL 3
  8. According to Google Translate, that ain't an insult either. I know a few spanish people, I'll ask them if it is an insult. Also, we went full off-topic because your thread was alredy answered with Lanstus' reply/Mine.
  9. No it does not. You have to download Pandawow's client here.
  10. Item - Any item that is consumable(such as Cobo Cola) are being consumed on arenas/BGs. Any food/flask is subject to such, but they are not consumed outside the world. Description - Consumable items that should not be consumed on use are being consumed on use(based on fun realm). How it should work - Should not be consumed on use. Priority - 3/10. Just buying more units alredy fix the problem.
  11. Did not see, when I answered there were no answers to this thread, lol. I was stuck in the "Reply to Thread" for a while.
  12. It doesn't show that he was insulting, it just shows him saying "tu madre", which according to google translate, means "your mom". I sense a decline incoming.
  13. Video didn't have 1080p resolution, did not watch. Just kidding, haha. When did you record it? Because I saw that opportunity strike hitting twice, while they said that it was fixed. Your interface is weird. AF. Also I felt uncomfortable with you not using Burst of Speed when you had it. Also you reminded me of (read second comment after watching the video), you reminded me of gym too. This "only 10 days playing boomy" boomy is better than most of those "4 years playing a boomy" boomies. The best thing that I saw there is when the camera follow the starsurge that kills the unlucky dude. I felt like that was unfair when your warrior at this time used the fear + stun bug so the priest couldn't trinket. Good video, had fun watching, even though most of your enemies were either really bad or tyrannical gear.
  14. I went to do a few BGs and found myself with stacked buffs(such as blessing of kings + mark of the wild). Is that intended? What do you guys think? Image http://i.imgur.com/dQPawZh.jpg There were others but I'm too lazy to search on my 1 Gigabyte long screenshot folder(it must be like 60 images below the one that I posted above).
  15. People report a player, the player gets banned, but anyone else that sees the report do this one thing: Notices your keybinds. Yep. Senpai has noticed you. @Off-Topic As I can see your sign isn't showing, try to use ['IMG']URL here[/"IMG"] without the quotes.
  16. And I was just getting bored because there were no more bugs to report. I'm not on my PC at this moment, but when I get home today I'll make the video. @Edit - An imprevist happened and I'll post the video tomorrow. I'll be out of internet for a few hours so I'm just gonna go to sleep, I'm typing from my cellphone.
  17. Further stalking investigation of the report made me get the conclusion that this feral is indeed abusing. Proofs(Add this to the main post, please) - http://i.imgur.com/m4l4KR1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3eP0k0o.jpg Links - http://i.imgur.com/m4l4KR1.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/3eP0k0o.jpg *Edit - Sorry for the double post, I hoped for the forum to made the "--Update--" thing, but it did not. Bonus - http://i.imgur.com/WMqD9Er.png http://i.imgur.com/WMqD9Er.png
  18. Really pro-tip: If you have balance as off-spec and go feral/whatever you can cast wrath and get Eclipse, but it changes nothing, you just get a blue buff that is as useful as a vanity buff such as this one, because it would affect starfire and sunfire, skills that ferals don't have. Also only unedited images are taken in consideration, not just some croped stuff. The feral is also using healer main hand and off/hand(also useable by boomies). "These screenshots are both from the same image i just couldent upload the image becouse it was way too big." You can upload any world of warcraft screenshot on imgur in less than 10 seconds. Declined incoming.
  19. Video proof that windfury is lower than the melee - Add it to main post + credits, please. Thanks in advance. *Note - The windfury was on the main hand and flametongue on off-hand.
  20. Will be declined if you do not edit and follow this pattern.
  21. Why not, lol. Anyway, I use it because its easier for me to see on the monitor and I'm alredy used to do so. Everything on my browser has this font due to some problems. In response to pujo2, I also play with random people from English chat. I don't have good times. Also it's not smart to trust people with your skype, thus only a few knows mine. Also, did someone say KEYBINDS? I'm too lazy to fill the other slots atm since I'm not gonna use them on a tyrannical character.
  22. Players - Bigsmokee and Kitcat(this guy's been hacking for 3 days, lol) Realm - Pandawow Fun Description of the report - Both are using speed hack on BGs. Proof -
  23. 1.7. Only the owner of the account is responsible for the actions done on that account, regardless of who commited the infraction. Rules. Sorry to say, but in this case they can't do much according to the rules, specially because they explicitly said to players NOT to share accounts.
  24. They fixed arms warrior mastery and Nature's Vigil. Life cocoon is most likely on the next changelog, along with the absorbs not being affected by dampening.
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