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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. http://turtleboysports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sxxlgm9.jpg
  2. Something like Proof - Video URL and/or IMG URL here. URL = Link
  3. Nah just a... forum rat But I have some experience as one. If I were a GM/forum mod, I would just've given you a vague answer and closed your thread.
  4. I like how the container has a 98% chance of all items, I'm just saying, but all rates here are increased so they are over 100%. This has happened with a friend of mine too, do not expect a refund of bonuses, but expect to receive the missing items. I'd recommend you recording a video showing your void storage, bank and bags.
  5. Winwer is listed here as a moderator yet, even if he got banned for bug abusing(and may I say, poor performance). Is he still with the staff or you guys simply didn't update the list?
  6. Screenshots or even a short video of your bags, bank and void storage would help.
  7. Just saying that the server has no anti-hack, nor GMs to ban them. The anti-hack only warns the GMs that there are some people using it, but there are no GMs online. The only GM that is online is Talvio, he logs for 20 minutes 2 times a day, during that moment a lot of bans and mute shows up. I saw Kykla/Kykna log 2 times in 1 year and a half of time playing here all day. As it says here there are other GMs that are also responsable for the Fun realm, such as: Shadrissa(if he/she ever logged in, I never saw it, unless it is a different time-zone, yet I am online even when it's like 03:00 AM on my country) - Шадрисса \ Shadrissa *Some other mods that don't help too much, only watch the /world chat, not the english one* FFS, they didn't even bother to remove Winwer from the moderator list.
  8. Well, if you pay attention, that is a reason for them to ignore this thread since they can blame your friend for accessing your account. Those are the protocols. Also, as you can see here, the thread got declined because the item is useable by his class and spec, and so is yours(I went through an ocean of emojis to find this thread). ._. Try to be a bit more polite next time I'm trying to help
  9. 'Sup. I overheard some people talking that Ring of Frost's radius was fixed. It wasn't. http://i.imgur.com/JqKPMFf.jpg
  10. I like how Chiv persists in profane and defy this forum and yet not get banned, and the fast response that the staff gave to Funkstar for a simple mere and small comment that could or not be considered as insult("gtfo nobody wants you here"). Yeah that 11 people server on which 2 or more of those 11 are GMs or mods. /lol
  11. Just a tip, but edit this post and send it to a PM. I recommend sending to Bukarasik. People can get your IP and flood it(rudely called DDoS). Bukarasik's profile.
  12. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=148680&p=933356#post933356 He said that they're ~~translating~~ it.
  13. As much as tireful those threads get, you're right. You all deserve an information about this. Also, I didn't understand eithe what was the thing with the crosstest realm. There were literally nothing to do there. I used it to report normal stuff not itself since it was giving free gear. Anyway... The titles will only be given when the new season starts which will be when they implement the crossrealm BG/arenas which will be when they remove the crosstest realm. As you can see there are three dependencies and a delay to even start them. Good luck.
  14. 'Sup, just passing by to say that this still exists.
  15. If you buy a character with rating and get something like 2k or 2.2k(or any rate that grants achievement) you just won't get achievement otherwise it would be too easy.
  16. I am the impossible. And I don't care about getting staff on the forums, no one comes here. @Zhalifa I remember antilogic on the Going to Jail. It was fun. Really.
  17. I remember on one of the servers on which I was being a GM(not an admin) and I was being rather... Well, let's say some people were editing their characters and some of them were under protection of the admins(wot) and one of them instead of just randomly kicking me of the staff he logged into my account, used the .learn command to learn the Apocalypse spell used by Lich King to knockback, and he simply did it on the mall, fucking up all of the NPCs. Result? Server had a 2 hour rollback, player rages, and I got bad rep(which later I asked one of the admins that were friendly to me to check my IP log, which revealed that ~~someone~~ had logged in on my account to do so, but he refused to check the other admin's IP). I know the pain.
  18. Furmetal

    CCs self break

    Yesterday I was doing some arenas and we faced Affli/Resto. The warlock was spamming fear on me(LOL when on retail would you cast fear on your main target) like a stun, it broke once, ONCE, and he were also casting Haunts, and his DoTs/Haunts weren't breaking the effect(my partner had no relevant absorb effect that could prevent the break, and even if he had, it should still break).
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