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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. The answer is yes, did a short time ago with some vendor mounts on x100 just to test.
  2. Furmetal


    8/10? We got problems higher than how your weapon looks, and you can always use that one program to transmog items.
  3. If that helps the fix... The bug is that the server doesn't count that we are there, so we can't trigger items that are placed in the ground that needs to be stepped over to be activated, because we "don't exist" there. It's like if we were phased, and that is because of the crossrealm, they didn't link we(the players) to a realm, so items placed on a realm(such as the traps/power-ups) aren't triggerable.
  4. The problem is server sided, it's the x100 realm that is getting down.
  5. ~~Russian nick Fun realm Proof - http://i.imgur.com/8QAKjhy.jpg Hes flying underground.
  6. You can use the trinket buff(surge of conquest or whatever is the strenght variant) as a timer, so you can notice that the DK simply disappeared from 6 sec to 4 sec, thus in two seconds.
  7. I'm used to be hit for 200k or even 300k by DK's soul reaper.
  8. This dude is rank one hacker, simply a gladiator, doesn't even take one second to do its thing. /Irony
  9. Do you think that their fix on Necrotic Strike got "unfixed"?
  10. They said it was fixed. Also, this is not bannable.
  11. An important note is that allies may put you in combat too, like on some healings, so the Lightwell might be doing it too.
  12. You can't really tell their realms since we are now on crossrealm.
  13. lol, it is having a negative impact on druids, rogues, healers in general, any comp with a mage, mages, BGs, PvE in general and even on game mechanics. A resumed way to say it, is that when you spawn some NPCs or some NPCs alredy have some sub-npcs(such as Lord Rhyolith's boots), when they are killed/despawned/continues to exist, they do not automatically remove combat, they instead flag you as in combat with an unknown NPCs. I can't report it yet since I need something more solid to make it easier to fix.
  14. I know what causes it and it is not just "one thing", it is a group of NPCs that maintain combat, it's more complex than you think. I'll probably add it later, I'm kinda busy right now.
  15. 100% From an elite on Thunder Isle, forgot its nick.
  16. Realm - Pandawow Fun Tested - 09/09/2015 Spell - Storm, Earth and Fire Description - The spell does not mirror the monk's attacks. How it should work - Should mirror the monk's attacks. Priority - 6/10 Proof -
  17. Image = 1000 words http://i.imgur.com/cz42w3r.jpg . Discuss now. *Note - Thanks Pandawow for fixing this, but you should add this to the changelog.
  18. Furmetal


    Organizated crime.
  19. If he were a troll he would've said... I ROFed http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150903/5246300/pobreza-o.gif
  20. I'm not even counting when discipline priests can shield twice, so I can end with a 800k+ shield, and they aren't affected by dampening. ~~http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=142224
  21. Hello, just passing by to say that this still exists. http://i.imgur.com/YpG4kf7.jpg
  22. This bug isn't just alredy reported as you didn't even follow the rules to properly report the bug.
  23. Furmetal

    Blink Strikes

    Realm - Pandawow Fun Date - 10/09/15 Spell - Blink Strikes Description - The pet continues to attack even if he is CCed, maintaning the target in combat and making it easier for the hunter to kill. How it should work - Pet should not teleport when under a CC effect. Priority - 8/10, maintains people in combat, deals some damage and it boosts significantly the hunter DPS. Proof - Special thanks to Pewpewimdead-PandaWoWFun that helped me test.
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