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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150316
  2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=230
  3. I don't even know other 2.3k+ ferals that are active, lol. HELL, I don't even know their nicks lol.
  4. Try going to a forge, you are on an anvil. Example of Forge Anvil
  5. Feel you, and they feel cocky, and if you play with them and lose(or even win sometimes) they'll blame you for some major mistakes that were probably their fault. Just like people that are actually at their rate.
  6. Thing about affliction warlocks is that they can DoT two targets at once, which on retail that wouldn't happen since you wouldn't be able to use fear because it would break on damage, but as we all can notice here, fear isn't broken on damage - specially DoTs.
  7. I like how Bukarasik attended to all the other threads but not this one. And, of course, I do not mean anything, I'm just saying how curious that is.
  8. They are going to merge x10 and x100 realms.
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  10. "my acc has been hacked" It seems like you were sharing account with someone at some point, or it could even be you, just saying.
  11. LOL, this is literally their server, they can do pretty much whatever they want. Is it fair? Nope. We are like guests, who really matters - from the point of view of a business that is free for everyone - are those that donate. I'm not saying either that they will only care for those that donate, like giving preference(like support and other stuff) to the donaters over the non-donaters. They are probably doing such thing so they can use the x10 realm for another thing, or even use the x100 + x10 server to fix the x100 crashing issues(because they'll have 2 servers working on one realm). I'm quite neutral - not because I don't play on these realms - to this, because there is still the possibility that they can do another realm, it could even be x4/x5. The news that they would merge x10 and x100 just surprised me due to its sudden reveal, they should have warned us before so people could set up their characters or something like that. This crossrealm lacked preparation and testing, the crosstest realm that we had was literally useless.
  12. Here are some stuff he is going to need. A database editor The base programming language used by world of warcraft Some headache pills for posts like his Some extra stuff And experience
  13. http://31.media.tumblr.com/6c5933ae27c6c345411cb04c42c93a58/tumblr_muta6cTXm71sjpemmo1_500.gif
  14. Nostrada and Mekchon, fun realm They're flooding the chat Proof - http://i.imgur.com/XjpJeBn.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/UVFIfVl.jpg I don't think I need time stamps for this.
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=167
  16. I like how they are just ignoring this, and discipline priests are still bad.
  17. Realm - Fun Player - Lynniqt Report - She's advertising that mediocre 12 player server. Proof http://i.imgur.com/iJxaYEH.jpg Link - http://i.imgur.com/iJxaYEH.jpg
  18. That's a mere coincidence, when it falls, it falls for everyone, because the server that is responsible for the crossrealm(realm which you're when you're on a BG/arena) is down, so there is literally no relation with being on a party or not.
  19. The image only shows you falling, doesn't show that it was him that griped you(even though it probably was), thus the staff can't punish him.
  20. It indeed breaks stealth, but you can restealth, like: Stealthed > begins to drink/eat > stealth breaks > continues eating > restealths > continues eating/drinking. ^ This is legit. Also, wasn't this alredy reported? Anyway, the same fix applied to the crystals are the fix for the power-ups on BGs and hunter traps, they all work the same way(mechanic, on-step to activate an aura, the bug is more complex and I alredy explained it in another thread).
  21. This dude got rusty af and he isn't the same anymore. - - - Updated - - - If I apply a rejuvenation/cenarion ward when I have my trinket proc, cloak and weapon, and then the trinket proc ends, they'll still heal for the same amount due to the system on MoP known as snapshotting.
  22. The problem is server sided, in other words, you can do nothing about it but wait.
  23. Nope. The best you can do is ask if one of your friends got disconnected/can't log in either.
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