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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Thread moved to here, because this is not a priest only. Close/Delete this thread, please.
  2. What happens when you try to drag a bag to the slot?
  3. Don't you alredy have those 5 bank bag slots, since it isn't showing as red?
  4. Pro tip - Nobody can see the nick on the image, it's too small.
  5. This thread just went full retard due to the cries. I'd provide some tests since I paid my subscription on retail, too bad they are alredy on WoD, if it was on 5.4.8. I could provide some more effective proofs for some reports. @Thread Below I'll not say the best ones, but the ones that I think that are good, and that have a lot of potential. Kíndáá, shaman restoration on fun realm. Crax, retribution paladin on fun realm, the best that I've ever seen. *sighs* Zhalifa, because he's above average, specially because he knows how to use Bladestorm and doesn't abuse Xal'Atoh. *Zhalifa - Warrior Sophie(atm her nick is ressers) on fun realm. Best Hpriest(yet not the most rated) that I've seen, we got to 1.9k 95% wins in one day playing hpriest(496 ilvl)/feral(522 ilvl), no skype. Raou, fire mage. He didn't just get a high rating(rank 1, and even gladiator a few times on retail), as he also do not abuse any known bugs, like spellsteal, mirror image, evocation and etc. @Off-Topic Below those ones, I would like to generalize the worst ones as "The Randoms' Pack", they may be skilled, but they abuse bugs(and know it, and most of the times only won certain matches due to it), and those guys are: Warriors that use Xal'Atoh + mastery bug. Mistweavers that don't even cast a soothing mist, just orb spam. Unskilled DKs that don't know what is dark simulacrum. Mages that literally spam spellsteal and evocation the entire game. I think we all can relate some of those. I've spectated a few arenas at ~~2.5k rate and I've seen people playing like 1.7k exped and still winning due to the bug abuse.
  6. Don't mind about me, I won't show up on this thread again, don't answer me. I'm just making a citation.
  7. It sometimes breaks itself because it has a range limit where you can bring a player(and a mob?) to. Also the moving right/left has something to do with what buttons were the player pressing when you controled him, and if the Mind Control ends and you were holding a key(walk forward/strafe/turn) the player will continue to do that until he presses the key again. I've struggled to this bug some months ago because I didnt have keyboard turn attached.
  8. Your thread will be declined. Post your report here following these rules.
  9. I tought that they could only be reported via Bug Tracker, which member should I private message to? - - - Updated - - - Nor nimble brew as a monk.
  10. There is no other way to report and ~~10%(or lower) has a forum account and an even lower amount cares about bugs.
  11. A staff member has answered me. The crosstest realm will make arenas and BGs crossrealm, and when the crosstest realm gets deleted(after the test stage, which should happen within 1~~2 weeks) then we will have the new season, which will be cross realm. Source.
  12. I understood the sarcasm, and I do not remember, but I had ~~8 subjects.
  13. Who never won/lost a match because you couldn't trinket that one fear? Welp, if you didnt, then you're an one lucky dude. Spells - Any fear and any stun effect. Description of the bug - If you get feared and then stunned(doesnt matter for how long) you're unable to trinket the fear. How it should work - Even after the stun you should be able to use your trinket. Tested - 15/08/15, fun realm and crosstest. Priority - 8/10 Proof - The reason why I'm posting it on the warrior section is because most comps with a fear is a warrior/healer comp and warriors that know this tend to abuse.
  14. Thats what I said on my thread about opportunity strikes :T.
  15. I don't know, maybe something messed up(maybe even a staff member?), I'd say for you to wait for the server restart.
  16. Delete cache folder. Go to CMD and type " ipconfig/flushdns "(without the quotes), this will delete the internet cache(do this ~~3 times, just to make sure). Try to log-in again. Tell me if it worked.
  17. Guardian spirit and a ton of other bugs are a lot older than I am on this server and yet nobody didn't even care enough to report it. Not even a blank, no proof and vague report.
  18. I guess everyone that has been over 2.3k mmr has seen that one warrior that one shots healers, so I've stalked watched some arenas and noticed that most of them had Xal'Atoh(the other ones just had mad skillz, haha), thus I used the crossrealm server to run some tests, and there is a ridiculous difference of damage between the PvE axe and the PvP weapon. Item - Xal'Atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl > Prideful Gladiator's Greatsword Realm tested - Pandawow Crossrealm, 15/08/15 *Note - Bug also exists on Pandawow Fun, did not test on other realms. Description of the bug - Xal'Atoh gives a lot more damage than the PvP weapon, which some high mmr warriors are abusing, it is aproximately +10%~~15% damage increase overall, not mentioning the stamina and etc. There must be some problem with the scaling down of Xal'Atoh or with PvP power. How it should work - Xal'Atoh should not do more damage than the PvP weapon due to PvP power. Proof - Blizzard Thread and .
  19. Can you still use skills or the lag is like, you are unable to even use skills?
  20. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 15/08/15 Spell - Displacer Beast Description of the bug - The spell's speed buff is active even on caster form. How it should work - The spell's speed buff should work only on cat form. Priority - 4/10 Thats not really important anyway, it's a 2~~3 second low speed buff. Proof -
  21. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 14/08/15 Spell - Wild Charge Description of the bug - The spell's speed is ridiculously slow, and due to this it is impossible(literally) to use it to get a trap to prevent a CC. Switching to travel form to get the trap/whatever is a lot faster than using the spell itself. How it should work - Should be executed as fast as safeguard/intervene, in other words, the jump should be faster. Proof - How it was on blizzard and . *Additional proof(recorded myself today) on retail -
  22. If you can connect to other realms but can't connect to x100 then that means that x100 crashed/reseted, thus you have to wait ~~5 minutes. Do you still have the problem?
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