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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Furmetal

    cat form glyph

    I'm not sure if that was alredy reported, but I didn't find it. Spell - Glyph of Cat Form + Cat Form Description of the bug - You just have to learn the glyph, you don't have to equip it to have its effect. How it should work - The glyph should only increase the healing taken when its equipped. Priority - 6/10 (It's kinda of whatever, in its place people take the glyph of might of ursoc, which increases the CD by 2 minutes, for me its a win/lose(depending the comp I'm facing) situation. Proof -
  2. This literally never happened to me, ever. I'm also recording other classes' bugs, they'll be posted in big, organizated threads like I did to the mage. Too bad I can't do this with the druid because there's alredy several topics about it alredy.
  3. Juster said that there will be no money prizes for the 3s bracket, but titles will still be given, due to wintraders.
  4. Remove those personal informations or someone else can steal your account, do this through a private message to a staff member, I recommend you talking to Bukarasik.
  5. Nobody cares about this bug? This literally makes warriors, randomly, hits like a Slam without even pressing a single button. Cmon' people, comment something, show some interest to see this bug fixed.
  6. Realm - Pandawow Fun, tested on 10/08/2015 Spell - Stampede(note - It is not shred, it is ravage, look at changelog) and Ravage. Description - Ravage is generating ~~60% energy when used. How it should work - Should not generate energy, only be free with the proc. Proof will be posted soon as a video. Priority - 5/10
  7. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 10/08/2015 What is bugged - Combo points(there is no spell, it is a system). Description - Generating combo points on a target(let's name it target A) and then start generating combo points on another target(target B) without expending the combo points that we had on target A will make that we lose all the combo points on target A. This has a great impact in the CC and swapping capabilities for rogues and ferals(only tested on ferals atm, but rogues can handle it due to the Redirect skill). How it should work - Combo points on previous target should be preserved if not used even after starting to generate combo points on another target. Priority - 9/10 That is so important because the swapping capability(such as swapping for a kidney shot, maim, rip and etc) is very restricted(to only skills that doesn't require combo points, aka finisher moves, such as mighty bash or cheap shot). Proof -
  8. Confirmed, it only drops sometimes, while it should drop always. Also it counts as Personal Loot(just like the thunderfury weapon), thus it should drop for everyone.
  9. If you do not follow the rules your report will be declined. Read the rules.
  10. This is not how the bug tracker works, several threads about the same subject(specially if from the same person) will be treated as spam. There are some bugs(such as the Ring of Frost) that are there since the malevolent season, thats more than one year ago. Be patient, like everyone else.
  11. I'm gonna make several other topics like this one, I'm just too lazy to upload the videos that I did, but I'm probably gonna do it at night.
  12. Furmetal

    Elemental Blast

    You don't fix a bug with another bug, just fix them both.
  13. It's a bug on the tooltip, not the spell itself.
  14. I bet that when Bukarasik comes to read this report she's gonna get some popcorn.
  15. Erm, just adding to the topic, that if you get DDoSed, you just get disconnected, not lag, unless you're using some other kind of network that is made to hosting connections(such as server network), which you're probably not.
  16. Try to re-set the hearthstone's location, if it still binds you to these isles, then make a bug report. Furthermore, wait for an answer from the staff, you're probably gonna get answered before tomorrow.
  17. Players - Team 1:Fuckenproxqt(hacker) and Vikaa(his partner, he knew that his partner was hacking), team 2: cocalolx(hacker) and spektrem(same conditions of vikaa). It is noticeable that I have infected wounds on the priest(which should slow the target) and he doesn't just move normally, he also moves faster than he should without any buff that increases movement speed. Description of the reports - Said players were using hacker(fly and speed). on arenas(at 2k~~2.1k mmr). Realm - Pandawow Fun Proofs - and Observation - The warrior was using this bug and he was doing ridiculous damage without even pressing buttons, he were at almost full rage and then slam spam.
  18. Could someone please quote me I feel lonely and ignored.
  19. A few months ago when I sold my first main(~~Nyah) I bought my friend a windwalker monk for his birthday, he doesn't play it anymore so I guess I can borrow it so we can run some tests, are you willing to? I've played once or twice on the windwalker(his keybinds are just *ugh*, he uses an older version of mine, and now that I look back, they sucked) and the damage is ridiculous, I have no idea how to play a windwalker, but I was just getting procs, rushing jade wind + chi wave + rising sun kick + fists of fury + touch of death, and then GG every match except against classes with an immune(and sometimes they didn't even have time, low mmr, was carrying friends).
  20. And there's the debuff the Rising Sun Kick applies(+20% damage taken from the monk's skills).
  21. We've alredy played. I'm like, one of the few ferals on this server, my nick, as on my sign, is Hioshiru. I've played with your Holy Paladin. And this thread just went full off-topic.
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