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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. http://i.imgur.com/L7poBqs.png Giant Kappa Now as punishment you have to carry me on 2s on my feral, haha. *insert other kappa here*.
  2. Thanks, updated with new info.
  3. Should've started on 1st august. Conspiracy ideas - There is no off-season, due to the delay they can just let the off-season become a season.
  4. A lot of people spend all their day on the PC/at home. I do it. You hurted my feelings. It's ok since my feelings regenerates at higher rates, at which they could even be recognized as untouchable or just inexistent.
  5. I don't get the reference, but it is probably something close to stepping on a lego >.>
  6. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 08/08/2015 Spell - Opportunity Strike(removed on WoD, thus I'm using wowwiki). Description of the annomaly - It is proccing from other procs, thus some warriors that are aware of it are using mastery on their stat priority, resulting in ridiculous amount of white damage because of a proc proccing from other procs(pretty much like the shamans' procs proccing from other procs, or the mistweaver orbs proccing from another orb procs). It can proc more than 2 times from a proc, and on prideful gear an oppurtunity strike is ~~17.2k, so a warrior can deal, from white damage, 43k without even pressing anything at all(since it procs from melees). How it should work - Opportunity Strikes should not proc from other procs. Proofs - Proof 1 and Proof 2, Test 1. *Note - The warrior that I used to test has no gems, reforge or gear, on a geared warrior the damage would be ridiculously higher. Priority - 6/10 Before the report the priority was lower since only a few knew it, but now that it is reported it is possible that some change their stat priority to abuse it. One of the reasons of this report is because at random rates(low and higher) there were always those random warriors that hitted too hard, thus I couldn't go for his partner, had to sit him the whole game, while at higher rates there were much more skilled warriors but that didn't have such ridiculous damage, further investigation led me to this(aka WTF happened to me on combat log).
  7. I recommend putting, as said above, the /cast [@focus] Kidney Shot and other finisher moves, but, I also recommend that you put /cast [@focus] Redirect and then /cast [@focus] SPELL, so you can just generate the combo points on your main target to apply it on your focus.
  8. Read "4." from my guide. It teaches how to block skype resolver.
  9. I know but it is way more powerful than it should. I'm not talking about nerfing healers, I'm talking about reduce the healing overall. I played on s15 as resto druid and feral, and from what I remember, if you didn't avoid any CCs, your(my) partner would die. But it is true that on s15 healer/dps were more strong, but it didn't have such a low skill cap such as now.
  10. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KTPWCXFkLYs/hqdefault.jpg Just kiding senpai don't DDoS me I know you have my skype, haha.
  11. Your thread will be declined even if there is such bug, because it is not following the bug report structure imposed by the staff. Read the rules for reporting a bug, then edit accordingly. Also, this is the wrong section(one more reason to get declined), post it here.
  12. Your thread will be declined even if there is such bug, because it is not following the bug report rules. Check the rules for reporting.
  13. Just leaving the message but I'm working on some proofs with some healers(not all, because there aren't enough volunteers) to make a bug tracker thread about the healing scales on arena, which is not just making DPS/DPS really unviable, as it is also making matches dps/healer vs dps/healer be long(I'm talking about ~~80% dampening, which is ~~13 mins or so).
  14. 1. Try to delete cache folder. 2. Try to restart computer. Give me more information for more answers, such as if it was working normally and from a hour to another it stopped working. Check this. Open CMD and type ipconfig/flushdns(you can do it once but I prefer do it three times). Open wow as administrator. Also, please tell us what is the message of the error #132.
  15. You could post the solution so other people that come to have the same problem could fix it without making a thread.
  16. You forgot to specify which realm. At least on fun realm we have those NPCs.
  17. Furmetal

    Elemental Blast

    It is life orb spamming with the Mistweaver orbs. You can spam orbs while spamming orbs as you spam orbs, since the orb trigger other orbs that trigger OTHER orbs.
  18. Furmetal

    Beacon of Light

    Send me a private message if you're willing to record the proof.
  19. Honestly I agree with you. The only insult reports that I show to the staff are related to insulting my partner during a 2s match or whatever. In my opinion it shouldn't be able to talk during a 2s match, just like retail, so we can avoid those people that doesn't accept losses.
  20. I don't care. I really. Really just want to play my arenas without someone that gets outplayed still wins due to a bug, specially because if you point it, you sound like some newbie that is just looking for excuses. Being part of the staff or not, makes little difference to me. Only few things would change, since I mostly am just afking on the pleb hill at elwynn. If I'd apply for something relating to the staff, I would definitely apply for a tester and/or chat mod. Also, the credits request is because it is a personal channel that I am using, now, just for pandawow reports in general(bugs and players). It really doesn't matter if I'm trying too hard or not, my efforts are having consequences, such some of the recent updates on blog of changes(changelog on project section), such as the fixed DPS on some spells that had their negative added into positive making up for ridiculous damage.
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845
  22. Wrong area mate. Post it here.
  23. Furmetal

    Fun Realm idea's

    A thing we had on my server - 1v1 and 2v2 events open world, without healers. It was very organizated and funny. But we probably won't have those since we don't have anyone to organize them, nor a GM to supervise. Now something that is within range is to add a NPC that can mog any item into any another(just like cheat engine does).
  24. @Bump Proof - Add it to the main post, please and give credits.
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