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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. He's using the Faster Start crystal so he doesn't fall.
  2. Player - Darkportalsv Realm - Fun Report - Advertising another projects. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/c4pGhaa.gif Comments - Muted for spam, still deserves a ban.
  3. Bleeds aren't/shouldn't be affected by armor at all. Please lets not go off-topic.
  4. Player - Gravity Realm - Fun Report - He is moderating from an unlisted character(nor on the russian list). Proof - http://i.imgur.com/okU8jq9.png Comments - He also were overwritting my mutes. I request the following names to be muted too since they weren't punished at all. Basicbitch
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116618 Another thread alredy existent, also it is on the first page. Declined.
  6. Do you think that this is balanced? Be honest with us.
  7. Player - Alexisren Realm - Fun Report - He is insulting me, "fucking cunt". Proof - http://i.imgur.com/FTzIKbV.jpg
  8. Definitions of "Negro". Now "nigger" would've been offensive. This is, of course, just a thought, it isn't up to me for a punishment. I am not defending anyone here. Wait for a GM's reply.
  9. Screenshot is edited... @Update I meant that it is cropped, thus an edition.
  10. Please don't go off topic... Write a bug report.
  11. Players - Jizzi and Freetransmog Realm - Fun Proof - http://imgur.com/a/QpYeE Comments - Shows how desperate they are and I also muted him for advertising/spamming/caps lock.
  12. Furmetal


    http://i.imgur.com/VgNXGHo.jpg The problem is the quest that you mentioned, since death knights alredy have that spell.
  13. And unholy death knights has that +35% strenght passive. @Edit Just tested, unholy's necrotic strikes indeed are stronger than a frost's. Frost's necrotic strike Unholy's necrotic strike
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Read third note. This thread is alredy in the first page, therefore you don't have to bump it.
  15. Some pets, if they land the kill, the arena doesn't count as if the opponent was dead(such as if a treant does it), so you have to wait. Also, this is not bannable in any way, since it is a server bug, and they may or may not leave the arena, it is up to them.
  16. You can clearly see that the mistweaver is a night elf, therefore he has shadowmeld. Any of you has considered the fact that he might just be on stealth? Fredomm
  17. KFC? http://media.graytvinc.com/images/KFC13.jpg
  18. All necrotic strikes deal the same amount of absorb, this is a thing that I noticed while testing with Nemifest, the numbers never varied.
  19. You have the mature language filter on. Declined.
  20. Can you post an image of the email, if possible? Also, post proofs that you're the owner of the account.
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Declined.
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122775 Edit according to the rules or your thread will be declined.
  23. http://i.imgur.com/o2TOczi.jpg So you're the dude that made 20 accounts purely to mock, insult and troll me? Good to know that you're also Djtrapski. Declined.
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