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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Realm - Fun Player - Can't type it Reasons - http://i.imgur.com/BMhWr5U.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9eELviV.jpg
  2. http://prayersandapples.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/grab-some-popcorn.gif
  3. Player - Lalikocho Realm - Fun Reason - Insulting http://i.imgur.com/U1tgCU9.jpg
  4. Do not bump if the thread is alredy in the first page.
  5. Declined, what is really bugged is resilience.
  6. Declined, what is really bugged is resilience.
  7. Declined, what is really bugged is resilience.
  8. Declined, what is really bugged is resilience.
  9. Declined, what is really bugged is resilience.
  10. If the thread is in the first page, then please do not bump, otherwise the thread will be closed due to spam.
  11. The problem happens sometimes when the crossrealm server(which is the realm where you get transfered into once you enter a battleground/arena). You can do nothing but wait until the server comes back, normally takes 5~~10 minutes to come back.
  12. You're duplicating the coefficient, it says it was increased by +100%, not doubled. By the way I did try your way and got a lower damage than it is on the NPC. But didn't you say that damage here is a lot higher than it was on retail? Maybe doubling it makes it a lot higher than it was on retail. Currently I'm doing some research regarding it. I might be wrong though. There is not much we can do, to be honest, all that we are doing are theories, specially because most of these formulas aren't actually in the internet, and that +100% can be interpretated in both ways: yours, where you duplicated, and mine, which I added +100% instead of duplicating. I think that all that we can do for now is wait for an administrator.
  13. On patch 5.4.0. there was a +21% increase. Formula corrected and updated.
  14. Welp, thanks. I'll re-do all of my formulas just to make sure that they are correct, specially because I sent them to Juster.
  15. Ask an administrator to check it, I can do little to nothing, specially without help.
  16. Thanks for the tip, re-did the formula with the +100% increase and got a better result. Also I thought that the formulas were alredy applied. Formula corrected and updated.
  17. I've PMed Juster and he said that he is going to take a look in my formula threads. I also linked him the formula threads.
  18. Your info was indeed very useful, specially your screenshot, with made me realize about a function that I until now remained unknown to me, the detailed spells formula that are alredy built in the client. I remade the entire formula(and I'll probably do it with other spells too) and I got a more accurate result, which is now posted. There is still a difference from what it should to what it is. @Edit This option only helps in certain situations, still, useful.
  19. Thanks for the support. @off-topic I thought that tomorrow the polemics(cries) would be over some of my bug reports, but it seems you stole that.
  20. Realm tested - Fun, x100 and crossrealm Spell - Symbiosis(removed in Warlords of Draenor) Description - Frost and Unholy death knights should receive Wild Mushroom: Plague, but instead they get Might of Ursoc(which should be only available for Blood). How it should work - Frost and Unholy should get Wild Mushroom: Plague. Priority - 4/10
  21. Literally every hunter at 2.3k+ are using this. Literally.
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