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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9499429999 Proves nothing, just someone complaining. Spell is working as intended. If you refer to it sometimes healing twice, this is due to Mistweaver's mastery Gift of the Serpent. Declined.
  2. Uploaded with new info(9.).
  3. Pujo2, please, if you don't have any relevant information, please post nothing(if you don't break any rules, I'll not delete your post, I'm giving you an advice regarding your own image). If the bug report is wrong, the administrators will simply not implement, they know what they are doing. I was able to use my computer again 5 minutes ago and when I came to this thread, everything you said(since I read it all at once) was, literally, the same thing. Please stop flooding my thread, your arguing changes nothing here(except for spamming and people's dislike towards eachother). Also, you are not posting any coherent/legitimate information regarding the subject. Thread name changed, I accidentally typed "Rain of Fire Damage" while what is wrong with it is its ticks.
  4. Realm - Crossrealm Spell/Item/Mechanic - The MMR/rate system. Date tested - 01/09/2015 ~~ 01/11/2015 Description - The rate gain until you reach ~~1500ish is very fast, going from 0 to 1000 as ~~48 rate per win and from there and on, most give you 18 rate per win and a minimal reduction in your rate per loss. This is because once you start, you have around 1500 mmr set as default, and as you lose/win you get more and more(1500 might not be the correct value for 5.4.8.), but it seems that in PandaWoW this value seems to have little to no alteration at all, specially because the rate gains at high ratings gets irregularly low(this is, taking in account that the enemy team that you won had the same rate as you), and a loss reduces your rate drastically(about -30 or higher). How it should work - The MMR should increase properly with rate. Comments - Unfortunately I'm not able to give that many details, specially because there aren't any solid/trustable/clear about how does the gains and losses works. Priority - 10/10, this is the core of the competitive arenas. Blizzard Thread If you have any thought to add, please do it politely in the comments. Also, thanks to Noneedholy for pointing and discussing this.
  5. Realm - Fun/Crossrealm Date tested - 02/11/2015 Spell - Void Shift(removed in Warlords of Draenor) Description - You can Void Shift pets(psyfiend, shadowfiend, hunter pets and etc), and possibly targets under Dominate Mind too. How it should work - You should only be able to use it on players(not under Dominate Mind). Priority - 7/10 Proof Discussion Patch notes
  6. Realm - All realms Date tested - 01/11/2015 Spell/Item/Creature - Literally all NPCs, including player controlled units such as pets, ghouls and etc. Description - NPCs go through the walls, floor and even fly, making it impossible to kite(and warlocks tend to bug their pets in the pillars so they become unreachable). How it should work - NPCs' pathfinding should take in account walls and floor, so they won't go through it. Priority - 7.5/10 Comments - Thanks to Weegee for reminding me of this bug. Proof
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  8. Not according to the rules. Declined.
  9. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7979928607 Guide is made by someone called Lefice. And tiggar seems to be Lefaci. Thanks for bringing(and adapting) your guide to us.
  10. Tried. Same effects. The problem is the visual, not the spell itself...
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=93455
  12. Realm tested - Fun Spell - Halo Date tested - 01/11/2015 Description - Spell has the visual, but it is really fast in comparison to how it should be. How it should work - Once used, the spell should display its visual as intended. Comments - It is an unfortunate shame, specially because it is quite a gorgeous spell. Priority - 2/10, just a visual after all. Proof - Holy/Discipline - Shadow
  13. This still exists... Why not just apply Cocoon's mechanics to it(removing the +% for over time healings)? Curious how Cocoon is affected but other shields are not...
  14. Only one bug report per thread. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Also, alredy reported. Declined.
  15. Furmetal

    Explosive Shot

    Thank you, added to main post.
  16. Furmetal

    Explosive Shot

    Realm tested - Fun Spell - Explosive Shot Date tested - 01/11/2015 Description - The damage done is not divided evenly based in the damage left from the previous Explosive Shot and the newly applied one, resulting in ridiculous damage(because they're added as if the previous one hadn't dealt any damage). How it should work - The damage should be splitted evenly between the ticks, basing in the damage left from the previous explosive(s) shot(s) and the new one, remaining with same ticks amount. The quote below is worth of being seen(has a better explanation). Priority - 7.5/10, hits for a LOT such as 70k+ per tick. Blizzard discussion Video
  17. Played against this dude with one of my healer alts. Not really game breaking but really annoying.
  18. I'm starting to think that I should send this privately...
  19. Realm tested - Fun Spell - Rain of Fire Date tested - 01/11/2015 Description - If you place multiple rains of fire in a target, all rains' damage will be dealt. How it should work - Only one rain of fire should tick, no matter how many you place on a target. Priority - 8/10, makes it really overpower specially now with crossrealm battlegrounds, people choose Mannoroth's Fury and spam Rain of Fire with full procs in the newbies and undergeared, dealing 18k+ damage per tick(and they tick really fast since there are multiple placed), not mentioning its use in arenas. Comments - On the proofs, please disregard my graphics custom. Proofs (look at combat log) (look at combat log) Discussion
  20. Declined. Further research showed me that the tooltip is indeed not affected by mastery.
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