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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. Bapss


    Now we see that you are retarded.
  2. Lol funny that people are linking ladder as if anyone is even playing atm.. There's not even a Resto Shaman in the top 15 lol :D They haven't even given titles. I can't speak for others, but I will consider queueing once Juster pulls his finger out his ass.
  3. Who is the best graphics designer on here? Raise your hand if you're shit hot at graphics (not just WoW ones).
  4. Nah, sry. - - - Updated - - - It's as easy as any: Healer+Hunter+melee comp. Mage+Rdruid+random comp. Dk+Healer+random comp Rdruid+Ele+random comp Rogue+Ranged+Healer comp ect.ect.ect. Goes for any class
  5. Warrior: Hitler Hunter: Hitler Paladin: Hitler Rogue: Jews Warlock: Jews Death Knight: Jews Did I do it right? ^^
  6. Bapss


    Did I miss something? I don't read most the comments, but after I saw this one I went back and tried to find who he's talking about lel. And he's completely wrong. Nobody thinks "I know illumintai", they think "Globalist, International & Jewish Zionist Bankers/Pigs who are pushing White Genocide in Europe - Sieg Heil! #BringBackHitler!!!!" :heart: Inb4 the rest of Europe & the White Race follows Germany and Sweden in their path to self-destruction. P.s. - Shoutout to my Nigga Takaa, much love.
  7. When titles? You said months ago now...
  8. This kind of comment is so fucking stupid and boring. Of course you don't care about titles, because you're probably shit and don't play to win. Titles should be given before the start of the next season or else where is the new challenge? It amazes me that people still play arena on here. I gave up posting last month. Got tired of Nemifest and retards like this guy complaining that people wanted what they should have gotten (and what they were told would get) months ago now (CBA counting how many lol). Until I get my title I see no challenge or incentive to play.. Might not play again when I get it either. But ultimately ima let Blaston farm everyone for now trollolololol
  9. Bapss

    Bored of Pandawow

    feels like everyone is just waiting for titles to be given before they start queueing again.. At least I am. Why the fuck am I going to q when the new season hasn't even started? Anyway that's my last post here lol
  10. Bapss

    Bored of Pandawow

    Does Juster expect us to play when he doesn't even give titles after a long-ass 5 month season? The end of the season is meant to be the most fun part lol, and on here it's COMPLETE. UTTER. SHIT. We weren't (and STILL haven't) even been told what titles we're getting one month after it has ended, and at this point i'm starting to think we're not even getting them at all. Could I give a shit? Not really, it's so late it seems almost pointless. Anyway, It does really feel pointless continuing on this server atm. I'm done here until you give titles or do a 3s tourny. Update this when they've been given please. Until then i'm out. :bye: Peace, Dionysus. p.s. - i'm not tryna cause drama or qq but simply explaining - that it's boring as fuck when there's nothing to aim for. I'm sure most of you will know what I mean :)
  11. Bapss

    Am I Allowed to....

    Do we have them yet? Btw don't ask me what "them" are, because we haven't even been told what titles we're getting yet :D Hopefully Rank 1 gets Scout title. :)
  12. I just know i'm going to facepalm at the answer :D The start of the story is so unrelated and irrelevant to the bold bit. :facepalm: WTF was the point in telling the first part lol :P
  13. Bapss

    Am I Allowed to....

    Because i'm a black girl irl!? You racist misogynistic motherfucker! I report you. Give me my fucken title!!
  15. Bapss

    Am I Allowed to....

    I know everyone gets mad when anyone asks this question.. But it's been a few weeks now, so I was wondering if we're allowed to ask it yet: Don't rage at me - I'm an innocent 12 year old girl going through my first period. I'm also black and jewish, so if you say anything mean to me you're automatically a hateful racist, xenophobic, anti-semitic and bigoted misogynistic. :D So be nice pls :dance: - - - Updated - - - #BlackLivesMatter #KillAllWhiteMen #OscarsSoWhite #BruceJennerIsMyHero
  16. Pulp Fiction a action/comedy, Citizen cane is black and white, and i've never even seen an old ass hitchcock move and don't plan to. lol They are completely different movies. You can't compare them at all with an historical epic. Giving it 5/10 really makes you a bad critic lol - not just because the good critics disagree but because non of the reasons you gave stand up (unless you were talking about Avatar, in which case I can agree with some of the points).
  17. Like I said, the Departed is pretty good - Leonardo Dicaprio, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, and Mark Wahlberg. It is Dicaprio's best film in my opinion (since Inception is a bit too psuedo-intellectual for me). Have you seen it? If not watch it :P - - - Updated - - - YOU RATED GLADIATOR 5!? WHAT I don't know where to start here IF you're talking about Gladiator. Acting? Joaquin phoenix and Russel Crowe nail it. Scripting? It's basically history, just combining a few people to make Maximus. CGI? Very, very little Pseudo-Heroism? Man.. Gladiator is the complete opposite to pseudo. He doesn't want to fight, but he has no option, so decides he may aswell get revenge. Anyway I don't know how you could rate it 5/10 :P Even Avatar doesn't deserve that! lol. I would understand rating it lower though. Personally I find it impossible to re-watch Avatar. It just feels corny as hell, but when I first watched it at the cinema, the CGI, Sound Effects and 3D really carried it and made it awesome, especially on the Nagrand flying scene. :P Overall though the script and acting is pretty corny on Avatar - good thing most of the time it's CGI! ^^ Only problem with CGI is that it doesn't stand the test of time. So unlike Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, The Last of the Mohicans and The Departed, they won't stand the test of time.
  18. t'was a good movie. Any movie that you can rematch even just once must be decent :P I'd given avatar a 9.1/10. What would you give Gladiator? I watched it as a kid when it came out and everyone was pure hyped on it so for me I can't judge it, but i'd say 9.2/9.4. IMDB only gives it 8.5 and Rotten Tomatoes only 7.7 :( - - - Updated - - - Another couple good war movies are Saving Private Ryan (of course lol) and Apocalypto. - Historical Warfare = My Favourite Movies :P
  19. Best part is that all the men are gonna be complete feminist cucks, and the woman will do all the fighting and be the heroes (unless they're black - otherwise the producers would be racist) lol.
  20. To me "The Revenant" is like the shitty, Hollywood, fictional version of "The Last of the Mohicans". It always amazes me how movies so old can still be so much better than a movie today with all the technology we have. - - - Updated - - - I still stand by this. Other than Aldairo everyone's taste is so bad :P (And I still don't like lots some of what he wrote) Ohwell that's opinions lol
  21. Bapss


    Can we atleast get told which ranks get which titles? I want Rank 1 to be deadly for Deadly Gladiator Ðionysus. But that's next season.. -.- so what titles will be given?
  22. GOD WTF ARE THESE RESPONSES! YOU GUYS SUCK AT TV/MOVIES! Movies: Gladiator, The Departed, The Dark Knight. TV Series: Rome, Vikings, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty. If you haven't seen these series/movies, they are a must see (except for Rome, that's more if you like history).
  23. Bapss

    Conquest into Honor

    Hi, I was wondering if you could implement a vendor that could change like 10,000 conquest points into 100 honour? I have a lot of conquest points and I would really appreciate being able to do something with them!
  24. Bapss


    Yea the pathing on charge is bugged as fuck on here, even if you knock someone off a bridge then can charge you through mid air ect lol, or if the path is like 200 yards you can still charge, but on the other hand stuns interrupt charge path here so it evens it out a little. As far as damage goes, warriors seem to scale fairly vs other classes on here on scoreboards, except sometimes in 3s.. Maybe thunderclap dots are doing more than they should
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