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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Hello, try to delete the config.json file in the game folder and run the launcher again.
  2. Então quando o jogo está em inglês está tudo bem? Talvez haja um problema com a FPS?
  3. There is no pandaren model in client that keeps your current gear appearance (via morph), this is why it can not be added. Declined.
  4. Hello, you have to make a post on this topic: Locked.
  5. Hello, this suggestion was submitted like a month ago. The suggestion was forwarded to the administration for discussion and it was rejected. The problem is that we need to turn the xfun realm to a tournament realm. No one can guarantee that after the release of classic MoP from blizzard, we will have a decent player base around and it's not just a temporarily thing. We do not want to offer everyone free access to 550 item level gear and then ruin one of the best service Pandawow has and helps keeping the server alive, buying-selling characters service. What I can suggest from my side (I have not even discussed it with administrators yet) is to sell characters from permanently banned accounts or from our account that we keep all confiscated characters from scamming, selling characters for real money cases. We can realease characters with 550 ilvl gear or 540-545 with lower prices than the minimum. An example: As I remember, we sold many characters then around 500 gold coins.
  6. As far as you play normally in BGs and you are not afking, even if they report you, you can not be kicked. The reason that we can not add 496 item level gear for free (Tyranical Gladiator sets) is because x100 is not a xfun realm so building your character must be more difficult comparing with xfun. Also, that way some pre Pandaria and Pandaria dungeons will be useless because you will have the chance to obtain 496 ilvl gear for free. The truth is that x100 is turned to a PvE realm anyway so if you are more into PvP I recommend you to start playing on xfun so you can enjoy a more balanced game. Even if you continue PvP on x100 gearing up through BGs (up to 522) won't take more than few days because the honor receivings are increased. Locked.
  7. Hello, you should make a post on this topic. Locked.
  8. Puedes transferirlos de forma gratuita a xfun o x100 reino a través del panel de control de Pandawow.
  9. Здравствуйте. Добавьте в лаунчере логин и пароль и настройте автоматическую авторизацию. Либо в WTF/Config.wtf замените строку с реалмом на SET realmName "PandaWoW x100"
  10. You are welcome, have fun! Locked.
  11. Esto sucede porque estás intentando ingresar al reino x5. El x5 reino se cerró para siempre. Lo que debes hacer es iniciar sesión con tu cuenta y ver los mensajes "autenticando", "conectando", etc., hacer clic rápidamente en el botón Cancelar y te transferirá a la lista de reinos, desde allí podrás seleccionar un reino diferente. Si no eres lo suficientemente rápido, puedes reinstalar el lanzador y luego podrás seleccionar un reino.
  12. Hello, you can use all three specializations. It's a custom feature our server offers. Please check the video below so you can see how it works. Locked.
  13. Hello, we can remove the authenticator but first you got to prove us that you are the real owner of the account. Therefore, we would like to ask you to form your topic according to the rules of the subforum "Change account details or account restore." so I can start working on your request. The format can be viewed at the red box on the top of the subforum. Format: Locked.
  14. What you should do is when you will log in with your account and you will see messages "authenticating", "connecting" etc. click really fast at cancel button and it will transfer you to the realm list, from there you will be able to select a different realm. If you are not fast enough, you can reinstall the launcher and then you will be able to select realm.
  15. At the moment only x100 realm. Most players do PvE there (even if the realm is supposed to be PvP) and you can transfer for free your characters so you can continue doing PvE. Soon a new x1 realm will be realeased so you will have the chance to continue playing on a brand new realm.
  16. Hello, the realm permanently closed, we already announced it several months ago. A new x1 realm is coming very soon. You can transfer your characters from x5 realm to x100 or xfun via Pandawow's control panel.
  17. Issue is resolved. Locked.
  18. Ciao, è perché non hai completato https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29547/the-kings-command nel caso in cui non avessi ricevuto la missione o l'avessi eliminata accidentalmente, contattami così posso aggiungere la missione al tuo personaggio.
  19. Hello, can you give us list of items that you can not transmog and character name?
  20. Issue is resolved. Locked.
  21. Ejecuta el juego con tu launcher para que pueda instalar todos los archivos importantes.
  22. Banned, 90d. Fifth offence.
  23. Hola, si te refieres a transferencias de personajes entre cuentas, existen, pero solo los GM pueden hacerlo de forma manual y el precio de ese servicio es de 500 monedas de oro. Si estás interesado en utilizar dicho servicio, puedes escribirme un mensaje personal.
  24. Hello, the realm will close soon and a new x1 realm will be realeased. Therefore, there is no point to create a new character. Locked.
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