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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. As skorpionzik said, characters can not be transferred from x5 or xfun to x100 realm because the new realm is still at patch 5.0.5 and it's progressive. If you want to play there you will have to create a new character and build him from the beginning. Locked.
  2. Banned. It's the same person, rating was resetted and conquest points which got obtained unfairly were removed.
  3. Este tema fue creado en 2015. Cerrada.
  4. Banned. All the conquest points, rating and items which got obtained unfairly are now removed from the wintraders.
  5. Arena rating, items and conquest points which got obtained unfairly are now removed from wintraders.
  6. Items and currencies which got obtained unfairly by wintraders are now removed.
  7. Arena rating, items and currencies which got obtained unfairly by wintraders are now removed.
  8. Items and currencies which got obtained unfairly are now removed from wintraders.
  9. I need proofs from the agreement for the looting rules between leader and players. If there is an agreement someone to roll on off spec items there is nothing wrong with it. Declined.
  10. All those 6 players are now banned.
  11. Author just created a thread at the hidden section, we will take it from there. Please follow the instructions I gave you in the other thread you created so we can proceed wtih your request. Locked.
  12. Hello, it's because you are not using the pandawow launcher or at least it is not activated. You can install it from here. Let us know if the issue persists after the installation.
  13. Jegerm


    Hello, we have a special thread where you can make a post and suggest what item or mount you wish to be added in website shop. Locked.
  14. Troll thread, closing it to prevent further drama and flood. Locked.
  15. If you have nothing important to say, just don't say anything. I got tagged, the thread is at english language as well and I am a staff member so I can reply anywhere I want. Answered & Locked.
  16. Because public discussions about the actions of staff members are forbidden. All this years when a player wanted to report a staff member he would simply P.M. the community manager and he/she would interview the staff member, in private. Why? Because usually the proofs of the ban contain private informations e.g. IPs, usernames, payment or bank details etc (depending on the case). So as you understand there is no need the whole community to see all this things and keep in mind that not all staff members have access to every aspect of the server so each case is confidencial and it is handled by the staff member who issued the punishment. Of course higher ranked staff members, like administrators can interfere anytime they wish.
  17. Next thread which will opened for this issue will be considered as spam and you will end up with a banned forum account. The ban appeal section you created the thread is not a place to discuss with Buka and Locative, either you like it or not, I already advised you what you should do, so take my advise and quit with the smart talk. Locked.
  18. Characters Hox, Qoco and Xayas are now banned for arranging arena games.
  19. If your character exist in any realm you can find him here https://cp.pandawow.me/en/armory.html by selecting the realm you play on and simply writting the nickname of the character in the search bar. Also, I just searched your nickname "Kilick" in our ptr realm and it seems you play there. This is just a test realm we have, you will have to play on our original realms (x5,xfun or x100) that's why in site it says that you do not have any characters. If the realms can not be viewed please dm me at Pandawow's discord and I will help you fix any kind of errors your client has.
  20. There is no character with this nickname in any realm neither there is a ticket opened regarding this issue at the moment. Please link your character who got stucked from Pandawow's armory so we can resolve your issue.
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