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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. I am noticing a small delay, so comparing it with the report which lead Chainzrow in a ban couple months ago I believe that he can achieve that without doing the known trick. Back then he got caught exitting the stealth at exact same moment with all his rogues and then using "Fan of Knives" simultaneously. As you yourself quoted my reply on the last report, administration never setted a minimum time where we should ban violators but we decided that we must not allow players doing simultaneous moves or at least in an extremely short period of time. Declined
  2. Hello, for this issue you need to open a new thread here and make sure to follow the format because we need specific account informations and details from your side. Closed
  3. Hello, we need more informations so we can help you out on this. Please take a look here and follow the format. Closed
  4. Jegerm

    Mog npc

    Hello, this change was made couple months ago in order to promote all arena brackets. If you want to purchase those items you need to start queueing more often for arena. Closed
  5. Jegerm

    wargame bug

    Fixed, tested and already applied.
  6. Jegerm

    wargame bug

    1. Name of bugged spell / quest / npc etc: 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 wargames 2. Description of problem: You can not fight specific character with command ".wargame #playername" or by targeting the character and simply use the .wargame command on character. Same bug appears at 2v2 wargame bracket. In all cases you get the message "Your war game invitation has been declined". Proofs for 1v1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC_tmGjsQKM Proofs for 2v2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7zuLhEGPc 3. How it should work: You should be able to queue for 2s wargame and fight the specific opponent you wish with .wargame #playername command at 1s bracket. 4. Date: The issue was reported to me at 2:23 A.M. server time -- 29/9/2022 5. Realm., on which one you got issue: All realms. 6. Priority of problem.(1-10): 7/10 P.S. At the moment players are able to queue for 1v1 by using the command ".wargame queue" but it's not guaranteed if they will fight the specific character they want, in case someone else is in queue.
  7. He is not using speed hack, he simply has high latency. You can see that the character is going back and forth and not constantly running towards a specific direction. Declined
  8. Hello, most likely you did not complete the activation of your account. Can you please indicate your account name and also did you receive an activation email from our server? If yes, you need to click on it and complete each step. If you don't want to give me sensitive informations in public you can send me a P.M. at forum or DM me at Pandawow's discord.
  9. First of all 7 days ban to the author for violating rule 2.15. Everything is explained with details at the private section at ban appeal subforum. I already informed you why your appeal was rejected with valid arguments and you still insist on stuff that already have been discussed and refuted. Closed
  10. Answer was given by Deadmouse. You have to send all your gold, silver and cooper to another character, you can multibox and trade with your own alt character. Also, make sure that you have 3 days played time with your character. Closed
  11. Not according to rules. Important account informations are missing so we can't help you if you don't indicate them in your thread. Please create a new one, follow the format and make sure to post the topic on the hiden section so we can resolve your issue in private. Declined
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