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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Все персонажи были забанены 08.04.2022
  2. Greetings everyone, administration is going to host a 1v1 event today at xfun realm approximately at 18:00-18:30 server time. As usual, the winner will be only one and the reward will be a Magic Shirt of player's choice. The match making is completely random and the games will be made via wargames. Also, the semi finals and finals will be best of 3! Event rules There are no gear limitations, participants can join with any gear they like. Refusing to fight with an opponent administration indicated you to play or going afk in the middle of the event will result in a disqualify. If you are interested to sign up for the event do not ask a GM in any channel to invite you in the event. All the pariticipants must create a ticket and write "participate" if they want to join. Be polite and do not flood the Event Master with numerous questions. The Event Master is busy at that moment with the event so if you have any question towards the administration please create a ticket and you will get your answer as soon as a staff member is available. If you are participating in the event by creating a ticket and you left the gathering area you will be summoned to GM's position without a warning, which means that we are not responsible if you were inside a BG/Arena and you got removed for forcibly. If you do not want to participate anymore inform the Event Master as soon as possible.
  3. Hello, administration was always open on listening new suggestions from players. If you believe that something must change and it will make more players come back on our server you can make a suggestion here. My personal opinion is that people do not know that a lot things changed over the past 2-3 years on Pandawow and I am not talking specifically for the bug fixes but for new features and policies which has nothing to do with the past.
  4. All the reports for chat violations must be submitted via our in-game report player system. Declined
  5. Hosting a hide & seek event at xfun realm in approximately 30 minutes. The event is pretty simple, all you need to do is find Jegerm in game. The first who will come in front of me will win mount Invincible's Reins at any character he/she would like.
  6. It's not a bug, players make their text look like it but it's a punishable offence so if you see such players using color text please report them via our in game report player system. Closed
  7. First of all, when you are reporting someone you have to follow the format and give us specific informations about the violators and their actions. Also, I don't see in this specific report the way you submit it any suspicious actions. I checked their IPs and statistics and everything seemed fine. Declined
  8. Дорогие игроки! Мы стараемся ежедневно совершенствоваться благодаря вашим отзывам и предложениям, которые вы делали все эти годы. Мы прислушиваемся к вам и вашим потребностям, и наша команда каждый день пытается улучшить и воплотить ваши мысли в жизнь, чтобы сделать игру более приятной для вас. Поэтому, если кто-то из вас заметил, пару недель назад мы начали организовывать разного рода мероприятия (поиск, /roll, PvP). Это предложение, о котором вы настойчиво просили в течение последних лет, и теперь пришло время его сформулировать. Администрация постарается проводить еженедельные мероприятия любого рода во всех сферах! Пока результаты выдающиеся, так как сотни игроков проявили интерес и приняли участие в проводимых нами мероприятиях. Если вы участвуете в этих мероприятиях, вы можете заработать уникальные предметы, средства передвижения из магазина личного кабинета или даже волшебные рубашки. Те мероприятия, которые мы собираемся проводить с этого момента, не имеют ничего общего со стандартным сезоном арены, гильдейскими или групповыми мероприятиями. Эти ивенты будут совершенно другими, и это будет нечто дополнительное, чтобы вы, игроки, могли воспользоваться наградами и, конечно же, повысить свой интерес к игре на нашем сервере. День и время проведения мероприятий не будут стандартными, но мы постараемся провести большинство мероприятий в выходные дни. Конечно, прежде чем администрация проведет мероприятие, мы сделаем объявление в игре, на форуме и в наших социальных сетях. Также администрация может делать объявления в этой теме о мероприятии, которое вот-вот начнется. Если у вас есть какие-либо интересные идеи, которыми вы хотели бы поделиться, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь и присылайте свои предложения сюда. & Dear community, we are trying to improve daily through your feedback and suggestions you have made all this years. The whole point is that we are listening to you and your needs and our team is trying to improve and accomplish your thoughts each day and make the game play more enjoyable for you. Therefore, if some of you noticed, couple weeks ago we started to organize events of any kind (H&S, /roll, PvP). This is a suggestion which was asked insistently over the past years by you and now it's the time to establish it. Administration will try to host weekly events of any kind at all realms! So far the results are outstanding since hundreds of players showed interest and participated in the events we held. If you participate on those events you can earn unique items, mounts from the website shop or even magic shirts. Those events we are going to held from now on has nothing to do with the standard arena season, guild or party events. Those events will be completely different and it will be something extra so you, the players can benefit from the awards and of course to raise your interest for our server. The time and the day of the events will not be standard but we will try to host most of the events at weekends. Of course, before the administration will held an event, we will make an announcement in game, at forum and at our socials. Also, administration can make the announcements on this thread about an event which is going to start soon. If you have any intresting ideas to share please don't hesitate and submit your suggestion here.
  9. Все персонажи были забанены 19.03.2022
  10. Double thread, Game Master Khyntia already replied in the thread you created at support section. Closed
  11. Все персонажи были забанены 08.02.2022 и рейтинг арены уже удален.
  12. We already talked to discord and asked you to be patient. Closed
  13. We don't accept reports for chat violations in forums anymore. Simply, use the in game report player system. Also, your screenshot is edited. Declined
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