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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Maybe just decrease his ban from 30d to 20d for example
  2. Jegerm


    Can you offer more than 700+tax bonus or you want to buy a char with min price?
  3. Turkey,Saudi Arabia,U.S. and other countries support and love ISIS ok end of discussion here for ISIS we're talking about Hitler Well,I study Culture&History in my uni and trust me I am aware of Hitler's actions in Europe,in other countries and generally in whole world. I have read plently theories about Hitler and tbh I have my own view on what you said above.I believe that everytime Hitler made peace for some months with his opponents he had a plan and ofc Hitler was really clever and tricky.He paused the war with europe to recover and he stopped the war with Russia too then when he recovered he suddenly attack Russia and the reason was "Stalin is communism".He knew already that Stalin is communism but why he signed peace with him before few months?because he had a plan to recover,he couldn't fight with europe and Russia at the same time so thats why he played "Dirty tricks" to try win the war. So my point is that he never really loved europe and probably he made peace for his own good
  4. Bapss, So Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the leader of ISIS is loved by his people,he has streght etc so he is great man You're German as I see thats why you can't judge right and you obviously missunderstand some stuff,if now your parents would be dead by Nazi's you wouldn't say that Hitler was great
  5. Upload a picture at imgur.com with your issue
  6. This is not funny guys to comment that "Hitler was a good guy",if you do so you got no knowledge about world history and world war II.Nazi's were some sheeps who take orders from Hitler and obviously they had IQ same with a fish it was up to them if they want to keep acting like zombies but they prefered to destroy the world Anyway I don't feel well talking about Hitler and stuff because I definitely hate him because his soldiers killed 3 members of my family at 1940 and ofc as others said he killed million of people for nothing
  7. Ye if they compile Real ID system you will be able to add people from x100 if you play at fun or the opposite.I remember when I played retail I used to play at Outland and I had in my real ID list friends from Sylvanas and Terokkar
  8. Lol at least what they're saying in their topics is absolutely true and they're right about what they saying noone can refuse that
  9. Jegerm


    Whole community is against of this stupid rule and you with few others players take advantage of this rule and please tell me what bullshit I said in my previous post?Learn to communicate with others with no insults instead of crying like a baby and don't give a serious answer,this makes you seem more immature at least on my eyes. As you understand Chainz there aren't many ppl who likes you here because as I said you overreacting
  10. Jegerm


    Lol I never got banned or muted on this server and even if I will get banned someday I won't beg anyone for unban like others do.Also,lets face it you're 12 years old if you feel offended by some other player(s) when he calls you "idiot" and you go report him,learn to use /ignore..If you play retail and you make a report cuz some other guy called you "idiot" for example GM would laugh with you and he would close your ticket!Actually you are trash talker so please don't talk for others still remember when I kicked you from guild because you demoted my members for nothing and you whispered me "die motherfucker get cancer" instead of reporting you I just ignored you.So do the same son for god shake get mature and dont get offended guys for nothing this is internet lol
  11. Played arena before 2-3 days and my ms was fine..btw if you're from America or Asia which is far away from France you have more possibilities to lag.Also you can try restart your router and pc maybe you will have less ms in arena or call your internet provider to help you out
  12. Juster said that he gonna give titles at 31 feb don't worry man :)
  13. Jegerm


    Honestly mods and SOME players here don't know /ignore function and mods mute people for nothing..
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OK...I am not even going to reply you it doesnt worth sir have a great day P.S. You just made my day thank you :)
  15. Jegerm

    The only Imb

    Alright cool thanks for letting us know :)
  16. Jegerm

    The only Imb

    I can't see the photo :(
  17. Creating multiple topics won't solve your issue trust me and btw it's your fault that you shared your account info with your girlfriend as you mentioned in the other topic you created for the same reason
  18. lolololol ok Adlairo, Ye you're right about this
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