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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, for this violation I need a video proof just to be sure that player is cheating. Declined
  2. They got banned months ago.
  3. Wrong section. Sometimes gold coins arriving in your account after some hours or even a day later so you need to be patient. Try to contact your payment service and in case issue persists feel free to create a new thread at donate problems and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  4. Banned.
  5. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Class colors and timestamps are missing. Also, this doesn't look like a video proof, more like moving screenshots. Declined
  6. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, you're missing class colors and timestamps (Hours, mins, secs). Declined
  7. Since always. Banned
  8. I don't really see any family insults and for this violation you need to provide a video proof without colored background and with timestamps and class colors enabled. Declined
  9. Not according to rules. Read the rules for how to report a bug. Declined
  10. Lengths of punishments are setted by the server owners not from players. Although, in some cases we can double or triple the punishment but this is also up to GM who replies on the report. You can report any bug you know at bug tracker and our developer team will check your report as soon as possible. This isn't going to happen. This will may happen in future. Will never happen in pandawow. We already did that via our social pages, top sites etc. This isn't depend on us and personally I don't like the idea of steams at home page because many people are getting advantage of it and they advertise their streams while they play different games or even worse when they stream on other servers. Answered & closing the thread to prevent further drama and flood.
  11. Simply record your arena match and report player who you think that he is using WPE at the right section. Then it's GMs job to confirm if player is violating, not yours neither community's. Honestly, I don't care what happened in other servers but here in pandawow we ban players with real evidences not with few random threads from another server. It just doesn't make sense to ban players here in pandawow just because they got banned in other servers. We will ban player's account only if he violated rules at pandawow, nowhere else. Reminder to oneshotx, we had similar threads & P.M's. in the past about you and other players that they were using WPE, wintrading etc. No one of you got banned because people who made the complaints had no actual proofs against you so don't you think it's unfair now to ban someone without real evidences? Pretty sure it is. Please don't post such threads because the answer will always be the same. Closed
  12. Issue is resolved. Closed
  13. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  14. For this violation I need a video proof just to be sure that player is cheating. Declined
  15. This video is cutted and shooted with a mobile phone as I understand which isn't acceptable. Declined
  16. As I see your account is banned for provocative messages about relatives. The thread with the report is here. Next time appeal in the right place.
  17. This happened because you equipped for first time the weapon inside cross realm. Our policy, is to not refund items which got obtained in-game so you have to purchase the item again. Closed
  18. No answer was given by the author. Closed
  19. Banned.
  20. Banned.
  21. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, you're missing class colors and timestamps. Declined
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