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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, you're missing timestamps and you have to disable mature language filter. Declined
  2. Not according to rules. I don't see additional informations about the violator like /who or right click on his nickname. Declined
  3. Video doesn't exist and screenshot isn't enough evidence for this violation. Declined
  4. Player isn't wintrading, he just left the game which doesn't make him wintrader. I also checked his logs and I didn't find something suspicious. Declined
  5. Current arena season will end at 1st February. Then most likely, there will be an off season for a couple of weeks till the new arena season start.
  6. Jegerm

    Ream x10

    No this realm doesn't exist anymore. We had a x10 realm but administration decided to merge it with x100 realm long time ago. At the moment in our server there're 2 type of realms xfun (i90) & x100 realm which is harder to level up and obtain gear but of course not that difficult as blizzlike or x10 realms.
  7. Who told you that I won't send requests to reset rating for specifics matches since all those points are earned unfairly? Your case was actually pretty different because I found connection between your arena mate and the opponent team which didn't happen in this report. Anyway, since you don't seem to understand neither you know how pandawow staff works it's better to stop typing nonsense. Good bye.
  8. The proofs you provided at your format are logs from the arena history of the player you report. Arena logs can only prove wintrading not the usage of third party programs aka WPE. I have said it several times but I guess I have to mention it again. If you want to report someone for using WPE you need to record your arena match and then GMs will decide if player is violating or not. Also, I checked logs and I couldn't find any suspicious match neither a connection with another player. Declined
  9. Declined.
  10. Nothing suspicious against the players you report. Indeed the opponent team are wintraders from x100 realm. Declined
  11. Jegerm

    x1 rate

    It's not possible.
  12. Email is changed.
  13. Rating is removed.
  14. Rating is removed.
  15. Email is changed.
  16. 1st afk 2nd afk in row 3rd afk in row I am not sure if the screenshot is edited or if it's just a visual bug but I can't reproduce it anyway.
  17. For the last time, stop creating useless threads and flaming other forum members. Closed
  18. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Declined
  19. Already banned.
  20. Already banned.
  21. Banned.
  22. Banned
  23. Banned.
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