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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Try to install our new launcher. Let me know if it worked.
  2. Stop giving false information to players because all you do is to confuse them. You don't need a video proof for player insults so if you're able to read check the rules for reporting. "Gay" and "ungly" aren't insults. Declined
  3. When you're reporting someone you need to disable mature language filter. Declined
  4. Information is sent to administrator. Please wait for an answer in this topic.
  5. If you disagree with your punishment you should make a post in this thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845
  6. If you don't indicate some IP addresses in your format we can't complete your request since we can't be sure if you're the real owner. I will give you some time to edit your format so I can complete your request.
  7. This guy doesn't even work for us now so he can't help you at all. For this issue you have to open a new thread at other problems and you also need to follow the format. Closed
  8. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Edited and cutted screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  9. It's because you obtained those achievements/titles with a different account that's why you don't have them. We can't do nothing about it, if you want your titles you got to earn them again. Closed
  10. This has been discussed several times in the past and administration rejected the suggestion. Closed
  11. It's not possible to change your forum nickname. Closed
  12. He is not using cheats, this is the place where players resurrect after they die. Declined
  13. Multiboxing is allowed in our server. Declined
  14. For the last time read the rules for rerporting. You need to have class colors and timestamps enabled for this violation. If you won't follow the rules don't report players at all because it's going to get rejected anyway. Declined
  15. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. If you want to report someone for family insults you need to enable class colors and timestamps. Declined
  16. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  17. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, Declined
  18. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, Declined
  19. Wrong section. It's not an excuse to wintrade and violating server rules. If they keep arranging matches they will get another ban. Community decided long time ago about the length of the arena season. For more informations click here. The current season won't be canceled unless:
  20. This item doesn't exist in website store. If you want administration to add this item you should make a suggestion here. All you need to do is to link the item you wish to be added in the thread and administration will consider it. Closed
  21. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, cutted and edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
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