Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Edited screenshots aren't acceptable and I need video proof for such violation just to be sure that player is really fly hacking.
Don't create a new thread in this subforum. All you need to do is to make a post in this thread
Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, when you're reporting someone for insults you must disable mature language filter.
No you won't get an unban. You violated rules and this is your punishment.
Next time try to control yourself before you say something inappropriate.
We can't help you with this issue. If you were officer in that guild you could dethrone the Guild Master but since you're just a member you don't have the right to do that.
Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting.
You should create a new report here or here depending on the realm you saw the violation.