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Everything posted by Surprize

  1. Good Idea puffy i agree completly with ur thought process
  2. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=93399 2. Doesn't get purged by spellsteal 3. Should be purged off the target if you use spellsteal 4. 07.06.2019 5. Realm (x100/xCross/Fun) Proof: (After he Dragons breaths he purges the enemy boomkins procc) Priority: 4/10
  3. In Game name: RollexwoundsxFUN Armory Profile link: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5064987.html When: 2019-03-19 15:35 Description of the violation: Kill threats and insults torwards my family Proof: https://gyazo.com/3ca6d1af26b8a11433a0f8587bbd378b He said hes gonna delete feral to not get banned: https://gyazo.com/2819fcaa0519715b43d0b582d85f5bba (rollexpowa) He also spammed /s with insults inside of stormwind pls ban this guy for being so rude.
  4. At least he doesn't wintrade. But thats none of my buisness ?
  5. DK: Noneedsuck and fagquit Druid: Kackafrau/Bibeed and vuzir Hunter: Balkantrash Mage: Xtalzoncrack Paladin: zanked Priest: jack off and Arschuyama Rogue: Roguetrainer Shaman: Zanked and Bruce for sure Warlock: Only funka is noteworthy really Warrior: xladerz is pretty cool Monk: puchqia r1
  6. Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108287 Issue: You can place totems into walls and pillars making them unkillable What should happen: Shouldnt be moveable into pillars Realm: Cross Priroty: 7/10 (making shamans immortal)
  7. Id be glad if fixes would be applied to both cross and world and not only world cause yet again orb drops through the map on cross server
  8. Surprize

    Frozen orb

    Hello devs alive? For clarification it falls under map thats why it dissapears.
  9. And from what do you know that?
  10. Just rumors spreading around then i guess, also what do you think about that deahtcoil
  11. How can a dk do 84k death coils? https://clips.twitch.tv/DependableGeniusAlmondDoubleRainbow Also is it true that xfun is closing?
  12. Name to insert: Qwanya Link to insert(Optional): http://www.twitch.tv/Qwanya Theme(s): Undead Male Frost Mage https://worldofwarcraft.com/de-de/character/blackrock/g%C3%B8agil Addictional Comentaries: Use the old undead model
  13. Can we please fix this its a core ability for alot of classes same with charge????? This has been bugged for at least a year now
  14. Also if you blink ontop of the bridge on blades edge you will blink downstairs if turned towards the edge, will not remove the stun on you. Happend near middle ramps
  15. bumperino
  16. After the changes i can now as mage blink into the pillars in tigers peak which will not even remove stuns from me, if i blink towards the tomb on lordearon i will blink straight over it and also still be stunned. And on Tolvir the single pillar on the one side you fall under Map when you blink left or right of it every single time.
  17. Liquid since you are on pwow for quite some time now you should know fixed does not equal applied to live so just wait a bit maybe?
  18. Surprize


    Ability: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=47482 Issue: Can be used while pet is rooted What should happen: Should not be useable while pet is rooted Realm: Cross/xFun/x100 Prio: 10/10 makes them able to stop cc that they should never be able to Pandawow: https://gyazo.com/073b8be8b71f92be617336862227feb5
  19. You know what really grinds my gears? People that are well capable of speaking english 1 post before but then start speaking russian in the english section i think this should be punishable lol
  20. Good Catch
  21. So is this applied or whats happening, followed a druid through gate yesterday with my spree but i still get cloned with spree and kill people while cloned :3
  22. This goes for all absorb effects in the game
  23. I cba uploading a 12min skillcapped video but here you see in this screenshot https://gyazo.com/e5f56729cd9f8ab38d7230e31cf2793b the kfc shaman linked and the pets of both hunters are in the link yet as you can see on the enemy frames doesnt share hp with the pet if anyone cares to upload the video for proof the title is: Rogue Hunter Shaman vs KFC | WoW PvP Arena Guide
  24. Okay the target specific thing is whats bugged then cause if i trigger it for example with my pet he can still regain the stacks on me or my partner
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