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Everything posted by Noneedholyx

  1. 1st of all, as i (or deadmouse) said, find a proof 2nd 2/10 fits more unless you really waste DG in 3s as DK on a psyfiend lol
  2. How often should i say that? Proof=/=doesnt work on Pandawow Find a retail proof that it should even work like that
  3. 1. Wariortankn - abusing sweeping strikes+Banner 2. Wariortankn 3. x100 4. You can clearly see how he always pops sweeping strikes just to hit the banner. That's how he's trying to oneshot the enemy Team. 5. 6. i mean why... it's clearly an abuse You can see it early game and somewhere midgame aswell. If you need timestamps, lemme know. (or an additional video from another arena)
  4. LOL You're also not Cokeboyswag right? Gtfo ddos scum
  5. Guruheros drama, nice
  6. Noneedholyx


    Blitz glyph...
  7. without titles the whole thing would be useless :3
  8. Yeah rather give titles out for a season where no one played + nothing works makes less sense
  9. Enjoy Season 15, thats why you play the game. Enjoy the GAMEPLAY
  10. i can beat you offline while pressing slam
  11. Gtfo you lonely virgin Maybe leave ur pc once then you could find a girl hehe jk
  12. will die vs wms, trust
  13. -liquid
  14. improvements were made
  15. http://i.imgur.com/GSzVnI6.png Challanging my HUGE BOY Deepoxy
  16. Fucking start playing like at least 2k retail before you talk about rmd ty
  17. They got farmed from pewds and zoumix LOL they even lost to me pewds and smalltow XD And by that time warrior was nerfed/fixed ROFL...stop talking bullshit
  18. It isn't healthy for the Server when 1.5 xp'd people running around with a R1 title. Bad publicity overall. Let's not talk about Warrior As i stated above, is prob the only solution made here which is good for the server.
  19. Yes but,
  20. I mean its obvious. Those people crying for a title are the only ones tryharding. I mean i'll push with pewds aswell, same comp, same aids but tbh still no sense to handle out titles. Right now, it's basically a FFA title and @Zeox : Imo the best idea to handle this problem would be a tournament at the end of the season and the Team that wins, gets a R1 title. Might be worth to think about it. But titles for this season? Lol, hell no. Imo "SKILL" should be rewarded, not nolifing Pandawow.
  21. That's not true at all, we queued alot of Godcomp into it even tho icelance damage was fucked up and we should've never won. Pewds and several other people were queing WMS/lsd (zanked,max etc) on a daily basis aswell. Thats bullshit lol, there were teams at the evening queueing, right now its dead.
  22. People are not quing because of Warrior you ignorant ... . like 5 people told you the same now. how can you be that blind ... aww i give up, no point even trying
  23. if i would've count all the losses you had against any comp i ever played in 3s we would be at + ~100 probably. Anyways, as you can see everyone is disrespecting you for the comp you play because you still trying to act smart or good while playing it. Beating me multiple times during 1 session makes you happy? Ok good, hope you made enough screenshots. Better be thankful we didn't stop after 1 game but i guess i won't feed such braindead dolls anymore. Read again what i wrote:
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