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Posts posted by JohnnyPoozang

  1. And out of curiosity, if Lava Lash seems to be a spell like you assume, why it can be dodged and parried? I swear this would be the first spell ever to have such an astonishing record.
  2. If you even remotely payed attention to your shaman and actually tested stuff instead of just complaining you would know that, at least on this server, Unleash Elements is consumed by and increases Lava Lash's damage.


    I've suspected it being a bug as well but I don't really care. It's a fact, though.


    OOOOK, jesus you guys are stubbooorn.

    read here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1965623444


    or more recent:



  3. Dude... Unleash Elements increases Lava Lash's damage. It didn't increase it in Cata but in MoP it does. What are you smoking? And Lava Lash isn't physical lol.

    So you write here with the purpose of schooling us about how to test things, and then you write a complete BS as above? Sorry man, but you lost all the reliability you may had.


    As for Unleash Flame, jesus even rocks know that Lava Lash isn't a spell, thus is not affected.


    Then you can't test a spell/ability damage with a single hit, for obvious reasons. You must test it for like 5 min or more on a dummy, then have an addon like I have to calculate the average damage of normal hits ((max hit + min hit)/2).

    If you want to correct other people testing, please be at least sure that you know how to actually test things out before.


    Then again, the difference in damage is much bigger as I calculated on the current stats I had when I did those tests back in october.

    There is definitely something wrong with mastery scaling.

    I repeat it again, I'm hitting for 75K Lava Lashes with 536 Ilvl, reaching the peaks at 120k with all procs up and I'm talking with about 90k AP.

  4. Just got a low damage offhand weapon. My offhand damage normalized to 2,246 - 2,251. I made my calculations using 2,249. Lava Lash was actually doing a bit more damage than it should for a while. I tested every single step of the following equation:


    2,249 * 1.4844 (Mastery) * 1.4 (Flametongue) * 1.07 (Flametongue again) * 1.3 (Unleash Elements). The damage by then should've been pretty much a fixed 19,504. However, I hit the dummy for 21,262.


    The last step was getting 5 stacks of Searing Flames. Should've gotten 19,504 * 2 = 39,007 damage. Instead I did 36,724.


    So I guess that's not really a Lava Lash bug but more of a Searing Flames one... Yet.. still a really really minor bug. The damage difference is barely 6%.


    NO,tests must be done with a high item level weapon, as here low damaging weps act in a strange way. For example if you try to test Windfury Weapon out with a low item level weapon it seems to work, while in fact with a level 90 weapon it doesn't. You aren't going around at level 90 with level 10 weapons, so...

    The only difference between a low and a high damaging wep is the time needed to test it out, so I don't see where the problems lies.


    In reality the damage lost is much higher than your 6% or my 10%, as if you try to raise you mastery the spell won't scale properly.

    In 5.4 Lava Lash should of be the hardest hitting ability outside burst after Elemental Blast, here it seems a joke though.

    In fact I'm critting 70k LL with a 536 Ilvl enha with 60% mastery, reaching 100-110k only with trinkets and Elemental Blast procs (and maybe an additional 10% mastery from Bg buffs).

  5. Tested on the FUN server to the date 12.01.2015


    Feature bugged: Item Level Upgrades


    How it's bugged: The feature allows only the PvE gear above 458 Item Level to be upgraded at the cost of Justice and Valor points.


    How it should work: By speaking with the NPC http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=68980/voidbinder-sturzah and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=68979 in the respective factions capital cities, you should be able to upgrade both PvE and PvP gear, the latter at the cost of Honor points and Conquest points. As can be seen here http://www.wowwiki.com/Item_Level_Upgrades.


    Priority 10/10: It's a core feature of the game. Plus, and not less important, the fact of not being able to upgrade your PvP gear is ruining PvP balance. As you can see well in the FUN server, more and more players are doing PvP with PvE gear, simply because the latter can be upgrade to advanced Item Levels that PvP gear can only dream of, and, with PvP power being buggy and PvE gear downscale bugged as well, they are literally facerolling dps chart and other proper PvP geared players. This must be fixed asap, because it's a concomitant factor, along with PvP power bug and PvE gear downscale one, that completely ruins a dynamic of the game.

  6. You didnt insult anyone indeed , but you did obscene speech c: here are the words which you used - "motherfucking" , "fucking" :) and we all clearly see it in screenshot , though this player has enabled Mature Language filter.



    P.S. Soulsearcher , Un-enable Mature Language Filter so all can see clearly the words player(s) use.Make post as rules ask and 1 less rager will be speaking in battlegrounds for some time(probably)!.


    Motherfuck*ng was clearly referred to the towers, not the players... please less moralizing, I think it isn't a church, is it? It can happen sometimes.

    I would say to focus more on real deals, like speed hackers and those who really write insult TOWARDS other players.

  7. i play affliction.


    destro is not viable. so im not going to change spec.

    ya maybe on 3v3 and 5v5... but in 2v2 and solo in Bgs it sucks... in fact it's the squishiest spec among all the three.

    Then add the boring factor and you have an awful spec, at least for me, to choose.

  8. BUMP!! I'm sick and tired to hit for 100k LLs with 70k AP!!!!!!


    Juster if you are reading this, please look at Enhancement mastery, there is definitely something wrong with it, spells aren't scaling as they should, at least Lava Lash

  9. yesterday a monk instantly killed me secoasds after he placed on me the touch of karma. panel damage shows :

    ""touch of karma 138421 nature damage

    touch of karma 138421 nature damage

    touch of karma 138421 nature damage

    touch of karma 138421 nature damage".... 138k each tick!!

    I know the touch of karma reflects damage done as nature damage, so when he uses it, I try to put myself transform into bear form, i stop autoattack and i put me bark skin, so it is absolutely impossible that would make me a total of 1380k damage.

    this happened to me 3 times

    if this happen again, I will not hesitate to upload screenshots of people who know that bugr, and takes advantage of this to win Arenas


    Sorry but are you def? You can't ban Ww monks that use a spell as crucial as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122470/touch-of-karma. It's the only cd that lets monks reset the fight, an "oh sh*t!" button. It's like removing http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=61336/survival-instincts#comments for feral druids. They must hotfix it, not completely obliterate a spec by making it unusable.

  10. Wtf are you just crying for a 70k noncrit from a physical ability??? If only Lava Lash would do that damage...

    Btw I do that damage with a single physical ability only with my Ww monk, while popping all cds...

    Seriously if this is wrong, what's the damage Eviscerate is supposed to do? 150k noncrit?

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