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Posts posted by JohnnyPoozang

  1. i'd recommend you not to talk before thinking:D saying bull*** stuff about retail and now saying stuff that doesnt even make sense , just leave please nobody is interested in your arguments , there is no unplayable spec,its cuz you are bad ,,,,, i saw plenty of 2.4k + ferals and enhancement shamans , demonology is a pve spec obv it wont be playable in pvp


    Go spread your ignorance somewhere else, but not in the bugtracker please. Taking the ratings of players to determine how much a class is bugged is just... dumb. The one who must think before writing is actually you. One of my friends here reached 2.2k with Demo like some others, so what? No a bit less is this spec bugged like hell. See now the bullsh*t you wrote over there? demo a pve spec? looool, please sit back and don't interfere with your blatant stupidity.

  2. Enhance damage is low, but not that drastically. Some abilities are bugged; LL hits less than it should. Other abilities are fine. I play enhance for 7 years with 4 years of retail experience. Biggest problem is defence ratings. Warriors kill you faster cause they can have more expertise more easily. And parry scales better than dodge. A full prideful warrior has 17 % parry max. Here Griveous plates have from 32-39 (dk's). With even expertise hardcap 30-35% of your special attacks are missed. No wonder you get owned. Especially if both of your stormblasts (mh+oh x2) get parried :) :)



    Lava lash is hitting completly randomly, one time your doing 100k crits, the other 40k, but wasn't weapon damage supposed to be steady last time I checked? With frost dk Obliterate damage isn't so "jumpy" even if it is physical damage (unless clearly you're hitting a protection warrior or a blood dk, even Cata Lava lash damage was steady). Plus Windfury deals less damage than normal hits currently and it's a noticeable loss vs cloth and leather classes.


    Enha has the most powerful burst of MoP and Ascendance is in fact the only thing that saved enha in pvp from being completely underdog in this expansion. Instead of trying to flee or immediately popping defensives, here people will walk towards you like nothing happened, I'm not feeling like I'm bursting with enha on these servers at all. My shammy is my only char where I don't feel the damage scaling from gear. I can get wrecked easily by dks or warriors, simply because I can't generate Maelstrom stacks and 60% of LLs and SSs are parried or dodged. I'm waiting to see hit, expertise, parry and dodge rating fixed to see how far enha is from retail, because nobody can't tell. One thing for sure: currently enha is far from being enjoyable and it's instead completely frustrating.


    However thank you Indipender, finally someone who can notice enha damage is not "completely blizzlike" like some smart "tester" wrote on this thread.

  3. Rogues in Mop have never been op. Here they are because of Eviscerate bug, and who knows the others. Boomkin potential is above the line and it's fine for me, as in Mop is one of the hardest spec to master in PvP and as a result the "skill scaling" is extremely high. Take in account too that boomie sucked in PvP in last expansions, with a few good moments like in 4.0.6, so Blizz did a good job to show them some love finally.


    Ps: Idk what are you talking about Boomkin being the only spec that can counter rogues, with my WW monk and feral druid I have always easy times against those freaking Eviscerate spammers.

  4. what I'm saying is that here you get banned for discovering bugs (at least I did)

    if you find something wrong chances are that you are gonna get banned before you even write about the bug in the forum section


    Imagine a new mage in the server who decides to try that blink glyph in 1 duel. He doesn't know it's bugged but the other guys are going to immidiatley report him and he's gonna get banned for 30 days. The community isn't friendly. But hey, it's just a free server I don't expect devs to able to fix a single skill in under a week or so


    That's why you want to remove the glyph from the game until is fixed.

  5. So if devouring plague was bugged, gm-s should ban anyone who plays spriest? nice


    Wtf do you people actually read what others wrote on their posts before answering? Read my post again

    "Do you think they should have let people exploiting the bug and the server go in chaos, simply because it's their fault they have let that happen? Hell no. Either your fix it fast with a hotfix, or you disable the spell for a while."


    Tell me where you see I wrote they should ban everyone.

  6. Please fix at least that Windfury Weapon on 2h weapons... it should have 20% chance, but it never proc... its most important thing for old good 2h shamans. I know that 2h shamans are not really good on MoP, but its much more fun to play it, then that "modern" 2x 1h style... But because Windfury Weapon doesnt work at all on 2h weapons, this old funy style is even more useless... its took about 50% of all DMG from shamans.


    I already wrote it in the post scriptum about Windfury weapon. But for all the nice testers around here it seems that everything works completely blizzlike here! Yuup

  7. yeah, banning people for problems they should've fixed is a very smart decision indeed.

    "Look - this guy has found and is exploiting a bug. I better ban him before more people find out."

    Instead of

    "Hmm. This guy has found a bug. Let me fix that."

    Can't you really see further than the end of your nose? They clearly put such bugs on the fixing list, but they have to ban everyone that exploit them, if it's avoidable to do so. Else would you like to see all mages running with the bugged Blink glyph, blinking the hell out of everyone stuns till 3k rate? In another server I won't name, there was a bug with Devouring plague, the spell just did like 80k per tick. Do you think they should have let people exploiting the bug and the server go in chaos, simply because it's their fault they have let that happen? Hell no. Either your fix it fast with a hotfix, or you disable the spell for a while. They chose the second option and then they fixed the spell after a week or so.

    Here with the blink glyph and many other exploitable item based bugs (PvE trinkets in the Fun server) they should do the same thing, simply remove it from the game until is fixed.

  8. Whats your class?Different classes have different hit cap ratings


    Sadly hit cap isn't the problem, beside all meeles requires a soft cap of 3% (For expertise too). Hit, dodge and parry chances are way off in this server for meeles. Try to create whatever meele class you want and then try to hit a warrior or a dk while staying in front of them... You will be hearing a nice concert of "clang" (parry sound effect :G)

    Another example is with my ww monk: I have always to first paralyze the target, if it's a meele, in order to be able to land Leg sweep.

    @nikifor96 hit rating has nothing to do with dodge or parry, the stat you're referring to is expertise, although hit chance is bugged too.

  9. Omg... Im tester, and i know more about shamans on this server then you. And i said, Enhancement shaman works blizzlike. If you can't play good in this spec, it doesn't mean that spec is bugged. I have all formulas for this spec, and i calculated all enhancement's skills. I just know, damage - blizzlike.


    Ok then, things are two: either you are biased and, I don't know for what reason, you don't want to see enha fixed or you are actually clueless about how the spell are supposed to work. Seeing that the second one is the most probable, I hope so at least, I want to personally show you all the bugs I mentioned in this thread do exist. Tell me when I can meet you in game on the fun realm, If I can be there, I'll show you how wrong you are when saying that enha works "completely blizzlike". Aside of that, what kind of tester are you? If you can't even notice Searing flames doesn't nearly increase Lava lash damage by 100%??? (by 100% means that you should take your previous number and do x2, if you didn't know) Hell, even flametongue 40% dmg bonus is bugged. If so stop testing, you clearly aren't trustworthy and helping Pandawow devs at all.

  10. Nice joke. You need to be geared to play ehnahce.

    "Enhancement" seriously though, why would you write that things work, when they don't? Don't you think there will be a lot more enha shamans if things worked so well like you wrote? I'm not sure where or over what you tested the spell. In retail enhas are one step away from be op, there they are completely sh*t. I could handle a full grievous enha 2.3k rated with a fire mage with only 4 grievous pieces.

  11. Omg so surprising... Have you ever noticed in this server like 80% of the population are spanish talking people? No wonder it's easy to get past 2,2k even with enha that's totally bugged. Everyone knows most hispanic people suck at wow and mmo in general.
  12. Formulas screenshot? Wtf... However why you even post again, you have moved the discussion on a completely different topic, because you clearly know you were writing bullcrap before. Btw I'm really surprised you can actually determine other people life by simply reading on a few posts on an internet forum about a game, you should study to become psycologist, as you really have a gift.

    On the retail topic, I think I will just move to Molten once the Pvp tournement server will be upgraded to 5.4.2, then I'm moving to AT.

  13. Yes you have prideful without gems/enchants and resil is increased to 80 % with tinket bonus. Lie more.


    Really? It is the international troll day today?? You think a few enchants and gems, will add like 50k damage on a Chaos bolt? Ye because with burst cd popped you are doing 120k chaos bolt at the moment, as you are doing 30k ice lance, 50k pyro blast, and the list goes on. Uh and you think a 10% resil more would do that difference?? Do you know resil scales far worse than gear in late expansion??? And this since tbc if you missed something, and guess what? This is why you don't want to gem any time resil on you equip, as it doesn't worth it.

  14. and why You still spam about bugs of 5.4.2 not related to obt 5.4.8, instead reports for new patch we have flooded forum with usless QQ topics.

    Devs dont even bother to read this section due unnecessary/invalid threads.

    I should write bug reports on a server where all classes damage is bugged? You have Prideful gear and you do the same damage you deal with Tyrannical one. No thanks, then the bugs are exactly the same, guess the staff don't want enhancement to be like the other classes.

  15. - - - Updated - - -


    :D :D :D : D we all know that enh is bugged a lot,but we can't do anything.just we must wait to fix it after some years...It's ridiculous,I deal damage equal full malevolent warrior..

    I guess the 2.2 rated troll above is playing in a mysterious private server on his own, populated by ponies and faeries :O

  16. I have 2.2 in 2c, and 2.2 in 3c, and i can easily say:


    3)Maelstrom Weapon : this is far more important to be addressed for than every other bugged ability, because on this one lies the survivability of the entire spec. The problem with it is that the proc chance is lower than it should be. In a duel or so, in like 1 minute fights you will hardly get all the 5 stacks you need to heal yourself, or to deal damage with elemental blast. The stacks are hard to get even if you reforge full haste. I didn't find any reliable source to what the proc rate should be, although on Wowwiki, it's shown that should be around 25 ppm while dual-wielding http://www.wowwiki.com/Maelstrom_Weapon


    -Falce. I have 5 stacks 95% of the time in the arena. ~2 used GCD's = 5 stack. Tested by myself.


    4)Ascendance: enha most reliable thing to carry in PvP in Mysts of Pandaria is broken, yes. I don't know for sure what's the matter, but the thing for sure is that Stormblast damage and auto-attacks damage (Wind Lash and Wind Lash Off-Hand) are lower than it should be. To test out these claims, you can compare enha's Ascendance auto-attacks damage to the damage of rogue's Shadow blades ones. In fact the damage seems equal here, but it shouldn't be like that, for two reasons:

    1) shamans equip 2 slow weapons of 2.6 speed, while rogues have 1.8 speed daggers, this means shamans auto-attacks should do more damage per swing than rogue's (attention: we are talking about auto-attacks while in Shadow blades Shadow Blades and Ascendance, so armor is ignored!)

    2) shamans have mastery that increases all the frost, fire and nature damage dealt, Mastery: Enhanced Elements, and, seeing that auto-attacks in Ascendance deal pure nature damage, they should benefit from mastery!


    -Falce too. Spell works blizzlike. All spell, with autoatacks. Tested by myself.


    2)Searing Flames: this passive ability is even more crucial for enha than windfury.

    The problem with this ability is that the stacks are generated upon searing totem bolts hits, but the damage of Lava lash is not increased. For every stack of searing flames, the damage should be increased by 20%, for a total of 100% increased damage. In my opinion this ability should be on high priority, because almost all the damage outside burst for enha comes from Lava lash, and right now, it hits like a wet noodle.

    PS: The stacks are generated for resto and ele specs too, isn't that important, but it's still a bug.


    -And this falce too . 5 Stack give 100% more damage to lava lash. Tested by myself.

    Wow, are you on a personal private server on your own? Ok then meet me on the fun server today, you decide the hour, then we will see if all is working as you are lying about.

    You people are just incredible, loled so hard at the part 95% of the time 5 stacks of maelstrom... Guess you don't even experience the general bug of meele classes parrying and dodging like mad 3/4 of your attacks? Please stop writing bullshits on my thread, as you clearly are a troll. Btw, 60k stormblasts are completely blizzlike in full grievous gear, it is completely supposed to do the damage of an Ice lance!!


    Ps: I noticed you are Thunderborn, so listen, keep playing with ele (exploiting mastery bug) and don't bother with enha, as you clearly don't know how the spec spells work.

  17. BTW YOU forget to include http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=2894/fire-elemental-totem which doesnt even attack nor give stack of searing flames. Secondly It doesn't have the required HP.



    I can't include all the bugs of the shaman class, if so, I would have to write a thread of 300 pages. In this thread I included the main and the most game breaking bugs of enhancement spec. First damage, healing and survivability, then all the fancy things like elementals, etc.

    You would do nothing anyway with a working fire elemental but a wet noodle hitting lava lash, windfury and stormblast.

    However, instead of writing only "you forgot this or that", at least write if you confirm these bugs or not please! The more the positive comments, the faster the fixes will happen.

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