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Posts posted by JohnnyPoozang

  1. it's called resilience, don't you see warriors hitting like a piece of cheese


    Windwalker damage is spiky, you can't compare it to warriors only because they are both meele dps and all the damage they do is physical...

    Warriors don't need to hit over 100k with a single ability because they have spammable abilities with no cd or max a 4-5 sec one (Mortal Strike, Overpower, Slam, etc.) and an unique ressource like rage.

    So don't make irony over something you're completely unaware of. Tiger Palm arp bonus is bugged and Ww monks are heavily affected. Try to leave warriors and rogues without Colossus Smash, respectively Find Weakness, to see how great they will perform.

    And last thing but not least important: resilience scales far worse as an expansion run to its end. It has always been like that, that's why blizzard doubled the resilience bonus of the trinkets.

    So a drop in damage like that would be impossible, as we are in the final season of Mop.

  2. ^ 70k fist of fury kappa


    I did 100k Fist of Fury hits on plate classes before the update with a human monk with all cds up. Now I can't get beyond 70k not even on a leather class.

    For all cds up I count Virmen's Bite, Gladiator insignia proc, Gladiator Badge and 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew.

  3. Ww monks haven't been buffed, they have only fixed damage while dual-wielding, without fixing Dancing steel, that doesn't double proc, and Way of the Monk; thus a two handed weapon is still better. And actually they have been nerfed instead: Tiger Palm doesn't give 30% armor penetration, resulting in an important dps loss. In fact I dealt more damage before the update.


    Hw to the main theme: yes this server has a huge problem that lies on the wrong or no priority given on the fixing bug matter whatsoever.

    While there are several specs crippled by gigantic bugs, they still prefer to first fix cosmetic minor glyphs, archeology and everything that seems to actually increase the size of the next changelog. That's why I fear this server will be eventually surpassed and eclissed by the upcoming other mop private servers, far better organized.


    An example would be the priority on the bugtracker: instead of making the reporter decide the priority, with a number between 1-10, the Devs should decide instead, but with words not numbers, like "critical", "low", etc; after having personally tested and eventually confirmed the bug. This step alone would increase the speed of the most crucial bugs by a lot. Is clear that they would need a huge number of devs, but I don't think this is a problem: they can actually open candidatures like other servers do.

  4. Well RIP enh shams but can u tell me if shadowburn does enough dmg?Because i seem to hit 66k noncrit with full griev with full burst and stuff(got best set from last season)

    Ya, with all cds up it should hit for like 110-130k non crit, if not more

  5. Wow well woken up! Now you are finding out enha is completely broken? There is nothing wrong with Eb now, the damage is perfect, you can hit for 140k crits with the right procs. The real problem is Lava lash: the damage sucks even more than before the update, max crits you can deal now are of 75k!! The imbues are a big mess, Windfury is still broken, then you are still doing 60k Stomblasts with 522 item level. Our sustained damage sucks balls without a working Lava lash, that's why you can't take down a warrior in under 1 minute, then add Stormblasts that hit like a tyrannical warlock Chaos bolt and you have it.


    Thanks the nice testers (idiots) saying enha was working perfecty blizzlike!

  6. Dont know about two-handed weapon, but with one-handed weapon, damage is correct. I have seen crits 130-150k from monks (with burst, of course).

    http://mop.db.pandawow.me?spell=107428 damage is lower than it should be... before update it hit for way more (unless it was bugged before, but I don't think so as this ability is our main burst tool). And I don't really think I'm supposed to be hitting mages for 35k Rising sun kicks, with the Gladiator Insignia on. Other abilities damage seem correct. Also http://mop.db.pandawow.me?spell=100787 is bugged, the 30% arp is not applied.


    Consequences are that your sustained damage sucks, burst is the only thing that saves you (but only thanks to http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656/fists-of-fury and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116847). But it shouldn't be like that, as WW monks are well known to have high stustained.

  7. Now Windwalker damage sucks even with a two-handed weapon... Juster wtf are you doing? :((

    If you understand me you should fix the damage first because currently it's a big mess. Then we can talk about http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=101643/transcendence and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=137639

    Who cares if you can teleport while you can't even outdamage a warrior's http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=29838

  8. Tested on the FUN server to the date 24.09.2014

    Spell name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100787

    How it is bugged: Since the last update to 5.4.8, the armor penetration component of the spell doesn't work: over dummies and players you deal the same damage with or without http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=125359.

    How it should work: The buff you get from using this ability should allow you to bypass 30% of your opponent armor.

    Priority: 10/10 as a large portion of Windwalker damage is cut away because all your main damaging abilities deal physical damage (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107428, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100784/blackout-kick, and the dps loss is very noticeable!

  9. Guys, in this list 1% of ALL fixes from 5.4.2 to 5.4.8.


    Its fixes from 2 weeks on 5.4.8 after update x10.


    Read dates of this update...


    All fixes not published, because it's more 1000.


    Post a complete changelog please -.- at least for class spells... How is a player supposed to be testing to help the community if you post 1% of what you fixed... This doesn't help to speed up things, that's for sure.

  10. The entire changelog is a joke in the first place. They are making fun of us... They wrote that those fixes cover up 3.5 weeks, when last 5.4.2 update was in june... seriously to whom are they thinking to be talking at? The entire demo spec is bugged and they fix lesser bugs of destro and a minor glyph??? and the list goes on...

    Forget Arena frames, you will see them maybe in another future: Archeology is clearly more important!

    • Like 1
  11. works perfectly in 5.4.8, but enhancement elemental blast hits 180-280k o.0. Chaos bolt hits 40-80k... logic not found

    you're right. Eb hits way more than it should, but until parry, dodge, expertise and hit ratings are fixed there isn't any problem. With the new scaling from Prideful gear we won't land a SS, a LL or a SB. So it will kinda balance out things.


    - - - Updated - - -


    You didn't shutted me up. I simply ignored you. Don't bother asking me. I won't answer.


    Ya because simply you can't. The screenshot speaks for all the bullshit you wrote. I must say I respect at least that, because I was expecting you to maybe claim I was using photoshop or some sh*t like that.

  12. Quasimodo, don't argue with him. It's pointless. He won't get it.


    Quiet kid, I already shutted you up with a screenshot. Wanna more?

    Beside, you're an expert in bullshits, and trust me what memesiscc wrote wasn't near as terribad as the things you wrote about enha.

  13. I hope you are capable of understanding in which context I did say that.


    Actually the context is correct. Haven't you seen the many good testers this server has that said enha damage in 5.4.2 was totally blizzlike? yet SS debuff didn't work, and who knows how many bugs there are still.

    I will say that I don't mind a bugged Eb doing 180k dmg when all our other hardest hitting abilities are 70% of the time dodged or parried. Gave up with this server.

  14. It's not hiting randomly. I tested it. Tried thrice and was doing the same DPM.

    Windfury is dealing more damage than your normal hits. Stop posting invalid reports.

    Maelstrom is working properly. I got 5 procs all the time.

    Searing flames is working too. Same goes for flametongue weapon.

    I tested all of them. The only buggy thing is that warrior's damage, fear(stun) and banner.


    [ATTACH=CONFIG]56268[/ATTACH] Now away from this thread please, before I start insulting you.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Can't actually understand if either there is a mafia that doesn't want enha to be fixed in this server, or you are just bad trolls


    - - - Updated - - -


    Do you want a video too? Showing how true is your claim that you "get 5 procs all the time"? fk pathetic

  15. Have fun playing someplace else. If you do return, will you take those words back? There aren't MORE bugs, but there ARE bugs. You expected retail experience or what? Nobody is forcing you to stay, mate, and it would bring me pleasure if you left. Having that attitude towards a free service is pretty lame. And stupid.



    Let him go and play other servers. We will all giggle when he discovers that most other private servers out there are either MORE bugged or just plain....suck.


    A changelog with all the claimed fixes would be nice though

  16. Well i watched a video where hansol was dueling with an enh sham and his dmg was equal to mine in 5.4.2.

    I also tested the wep enchants and they're working properly(in 5.4.2).

    No need to swap their places. Now i'm leveling another enh in the x10 realm.

    Once I hit 90 and get decent gear I'll test every spell and report the bugs.


    I'm sorry but this is bullsh*t. With weapons imbued the right way (windfury on main-hand and flametongue on off-hand) Windfury hits will deal even less damage than your normal hits. How is this supposed to be working properly? Then Elemental blast doesn't benefit from the 25% additional crit chance when SS debuff is up, jesus even a blind would notice it (if you had played in the updated OBT you would have seen the difference). Lava lash damage is too jumpy... weapon damage formula is broken, as it winds up from 40k crits to 100k. Not even Obliterate that's physical damage (reduced by armor) is so jumpy. The hits are between 40-70k (non crits). Lava lash is fire damage (armor ignored), in Mop spell resistance was removed, so why there's such a huge damage gap between several hits? You can't say it's because of your opponents defensive cds, because I played Cataclysm too, and Lava lash damage was steady, always between 30-50k crits in Cataclymic gladiator gear. The formula doesn't changed in its structure either, the difference is that cata (4.3) LL was 312% wep damage, whereas mop (5.4) LL is 300%. Last time I checked the off-hand damage penalty is the same too. So why this difference?

    Actually every time I use LL I feel like I'm spinning the wheel of fortune, you can't ever know what number you will pick up!

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