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Posts posted by JohnnyPoozang

  1. Totally LEGIT Ascendance is super fine for enh. With full gear you should be able global any target in your line of sight just by using it. It totally works as intendet mate #nohardfeelings


    JK damage burst that comes out of that ability for enhs with full gear is ridiculous and requires nerf. Period.


    no, Stormblast and autoattacks do sh*ty damage, even confirmed by a 2.2k rated enha, named Alarel (FUN server). Him and I did tests for every spell you see I wrote about in this thread. In full Grievous gear he was hitting me with both PvP trinkets up and Virmen's Bite for like 65k Stormblasts and 15k main hand auto-attacks, good? OK. Now go seeing the burst of the other classes with the same gear. (PS: Enhancement has the best burst of MoP, perhaps even superior to that of Retribution paladins). In retail in a 3v1 they will be running for their lives the moment you pop Ascendance, whereas here is a joke and even mages charge you head to head. In RBGs enhas are of use only for downing a flag carrier every 3 min, here you can't even tickle or hope to outdamage Disci or Rdruid heals, if not with Berserker. So please, if you don't know how a thing should work, don't write about it, especially on the bugtracker, as it may delay fixes.

  2. Yes i will be deleted. And our characters too


    This is not a thing a serious server would do... there are some people who donated and spent money for their characters on the fun server, this isn't absolutely professional, I'm outa here if they are going to do that.

  3. Yes! It should, at least for high end PvE trinkets, blizzard made them so that if you equip one while in Bgs or arenas the item level will be lowered, so PvP trinkets are always the best choice in retail. Here I think these adjustements aren't working though, that's why you see many players doing arenas with the shado-pan trinkets.
  4. unleashed fury is bugged. only the resto part is working. but im not sure even for that one.

    not true, unleash fire works 100% fine, doing 90k crits lightning bolts.

  5. im full tyra with regular gems now, yet my damage doesnt even go beyond 60k crits. even spamming lightnin bolts does more damage no idea if its me. i see ppl with starter gear doing 60k lava bursts so easy. i might quit shammys for good :S


    Take Unleashed fury, not Elemental blast...

  6. So is fire mage supposed to be that bad?? Because despite all these bugs the frost spec has, here it's still muuch better than fire. Popping trinket+ icy veins+ frozen orb = profit

    There isn't something bug with the 25% damage increase from hot streak? Sometimes Pyroblast seems to do so sh*ty damage. I don't wanna see the gap between the two when frost will be fixed then o.O.

  7. You was especting to deal those numbers with Malevolent gear? LMAO enough with these "bugged class of the moment" rerollers. Leave the shaman class alone vultures.
  8. Ascendance is working with mastery. The damage is lower than it should be.

    Searing Flames is the biggest problem. It doubles Lava Lash damage so it should be top priority.



    btw enha isnt that bad. I reached 1k9 rate yesterday with mine xD not a big deal but still...


    Neither you nor I can know exactly what's bugged with Ascendance damage. The mastery not working for Stormblast and auto-attacks is the most probable one, as maybe it doesn't affect them because they are the non-physical counterparts of Stormstrike and normal auto-attacks, but for some reason they are not recognized as such. Also the difference between the damage they deal at the moment and the damage they should deal is compatible with a nonworking mastery.

  9. Orcs too beacause they increase same dmg as the PvP trinket but rogue shado pan trinket literally gives around 20k agility,DOUBLING the rogues damage.So if u dont find a way to get out of their dmg and cc combo,then just alt-f4.Srsly tho PvE trinkets need a nerf in bgs and imagine what will happen when ppl get SoO trinkets and legendary cloack,full PvE set and see the damage.Next expansion should be Cataclysm2.


    No Blood Fury isn't op, http://redhattedrogue.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/hotfix-shadow-pan-assault-valor-trinket-nerfed-in-pvp/, I already wrote on the last post that BLIZZARD already addressed the problem, but here the adjustement isn't working. They have to fix not to nerf.

  10. If there are DEVS who read this, but are not sure because I didn't post any image, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I will be happy to send you all the proofs you need! I didn't post them because these bugs are under the eyes of everyone and as a result enha shamans are almost extinct in this server!
  11. I don't play rogue personally but I think there is 1 more problem... The shado-pan trinket 2/2 upgraded should increase agility by 9k or 10k I think but it increases by 18k.

    The real problem with PvE trinkets it's that in retail Blizzard nerfed them when you equip one while in BG or Arenas. Their item level will be lowered, so that PvP trinkets should always be the best choice. Here it seems that this adjustement isn't working, and clearly as always there are only people ready to exploit bugs at their advantage, so humans with double PvE trinkets are facerolling all over BGs and Arenas.

  12. watch this video and you'll know what class you will roll on PandaWoW




    yeah all beautiful, but that burst is a result of bugs, sub rogues aren't supposed to be oneshotting people in an opener in less than 3 sec. So they will be tuned down with fixes, like ele shamans. He therefore shouldn't be chosing the class to roll only because is the "bugged class of the moment" because soon or after it will be fixed and maybe sub rogues won't be what he was expecting them to be. (3 sec oneshotting machines)


    "The bug with Eviscerate has been reported and so has the bug with Stealth becoming available in mid-combat, but it's nice how you chose to repeat everything I said with links and stuff then called me clueless.

    I know about Subterfuge, I know about Subtlety mastery and I know about Eviscerate. Currently, Eviscerate is doing 35% more damage then it should and Stealth randomly bugs out. This is testable and observable by everyone."


    Quoted from uraganuu, chat moderator of the server, in the "Most OP classes" thread.

  13. You just dot everyone, spam Mind Flay and use MInd Blast on CD..What's complicated about it


    If it were PvE...but in PvP you don't fight vs dummies. Never tried being a spriest and be trained by meeles? The complicated thing is surviving against warriors, dks and rogues... And spamming fear is not enough sadly

  14. This doesn't explain at all how it is how, if it is low, etc. There are no calculations done, was tested againt a player opponent of which we know nothing about their gear, buffs, debuffs, etc. (Also you mention how you had blood fury up to buff the damage... it doesn't even work, proving you didn't calculate anything, just "felt" or "knew" things weren't "right")


    Also saying that only 3 spells can reduce chaos damage is ridiculous. Saying it ignores all resistances is ridiculous. Please people, the internet allows us to all become knowledgeable so quickly with just quick search. The link YOU posted even disputes this. In fact the three spells you listed are listed as examples of the many that do reduce its damage.


    Also calling two spells, that only one spec, of one class use, that are hitting for less than perfect damage (if there is even an issue) is no where close to 10/10 priority. Maybe for you. Everyone cannot keep posting 10/10 priority or you guys make priority meaningless.


    You didn't read the last sentence did you? Although this thread isn't writed so well, it's still a 10/10 priority. Chaos wave and especially Touch of chaos are the spells you want to spam as demonology when bursting (demo is only burst), and here they are completely broken: with Dark soul knowledge, pvp trinket and potion of the jade serpent over a dummy you will be dealing 30k and 60k crits!!! These 2 spells are the main reason demonology warlocks are unplayable and you are saying they aren't much of importance? If bugs that makes a spec or class unplayable aren't 10/10, which are the ones deserving a 10/10?

    If you don't know anything about the spec or the class please avoid posting messages like the one above, as they can be only counter-constructive.

  15. Frost dk is so much better than rogue at the moment. The thing you deathgrip will be dead in like 4 secs and the pressure you puts on healers is amazing, plus it hasn't a veritable anti-class, maybe only a warrior arms that knows how to use his cds.

    Ww monks are unplayable because abilities damage scaling from weapons is bugged, so their damage sucks now. Uh and for the survivability... Frost dk hasn't so many defensive cds, your main way to stay alive is to kill things before they kill you :D

  16. Regardless of being bugged or not, what's certain is that Deep wounds is a no sense addition. A bleed effect dealing as much damage as a Living bomb and you don't even have to waste a GC. Warrior damage is already huge, why they added a no brainer high damage bleed is beyond me.

    I hope it's bugged, as I often see manevolent warrior Deep wounds critting me for 50k, because if it's really supposed to be doing that damage, I don't wanna see Feral bleeds damage when they will fix them.

  17. Ele shamans are nowhere near Op. Their defensive cds suck, if you're a meele and you know what you are doing the shaman is going down, it simply hasn't the tools to last long vs meeles. Plus elemental burst is completely Rng, here it seems they are op because mastery is bugged and Lava burst is duplicated 2/3 of the time.
  18. Warrior arms... too many fk gap closers and mobility for a spec with so huge dps and so good offensive and defensive cds.

    Shield wall is a joke, rotfl... really? the warrior switches from a two-handed weapon to one in one hand plus a shield and no damage penalty? The fact a warrior can sit in a 40% damage reduction and still bursting like nothing happened it's totally bull""". Every other class when going defensive must sacrifice at least the damage (rpally spamming Wog, dks spamming Death strike or deathcoil+lichborne, enha shamans using mw stacks only to heal), but I guess warriors are special. I'm actually surprised blizz didn't give warriors a legendary this exp, like they did to rogues in cata.

    uh and lol I had forgotten they can also sit on a 25% passive dmg reduction all along, while reckstorming ur team to death.

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