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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Can someone explain me when locks will get finally fixed? It's disgusting they are weak as fuck atm.. Unplayable in 2s and 3s need a fix ty
  2. the thing why its op is because They can just run in completly YOLO orb into poly / rof , thunderclap into rof w/e it doesnt break.
  3. ok so i guess in your opinion DK is supposed to hit like a raidboss. gr8 m8 r8 8/8
  4. i know how to use clone and NS properly but im still bad ... FeelsBadMan
  5. ......................................__................................................ .............................,-~*`¯lllllll`*~,.......................................... .......................,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¯`*-,.................................... ..................,-~*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*-,.................................. ...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... ....... .............;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll,-~*~-,llllllllllllllllllll\................................ ..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,......................... .. ...............\lllllllllllllllllllll,-*...........`~-~-,...(.(¯`*,`,.......................... ................\llllllllllll,-~*.....................)_-\..*`*;..).......................... .................\,-*`¯,*`)............,-~*`~................/..................... ..................|/.../.../~,......-~*,-~*`;................/.\.................. ................./.../.../.../..,-,..*~,.`*~*................*...\................. ................|.../.../.../.*`...\...........................)....)¯`~,.................. ................|./.../..../.......)......,.)`*~-,............/....|..)...`~-,............. ..............././.../...,*`-,.....`-,...*`....,---......\..../...../..|.........¯```*~-,,,, ...............(..........)`*~-,....`*`.,-~*.,-*......|.../..../.../............\........ ................*-,.......`*-,...`~,..``.,,,-*..........|.,*...,*...|..............\........ ...................*,.........`-,...)-,..............,-*`...,-*....(`-,............\....... ......................f`-,.........`-,/...*-,___,,-~*....,-*......|...`-,..........\........ I gonna stream retail tonight btw. Capping disc frostmage with baz
  6. and the 3rd problem is that people don't understand how to play a class proper and QQ. no. And thats why dk's didn't exist in 3s back in s15. They were simply not good as other classes, deal with it
  7. and whats the reward for juster ?
  8. when your working together with the dev's why you dont have a chat mod title :l ?
  9. hahahahahahhaah Tbh all what i saw here in this thread. Like Wall of text etc. just prooves me that you are obsessed. uhm okay this guys arent even my "mates" but okay. frostshotz your a nerd
  10. and exactly there is my point. I doubt that this spell is so much important that you have to abuse it every single game.
  11. i don't want to make some1 mad here but it's supposed to break stealth xD
  12. lol someone got rekt.
  13. Noneedholy


    The only one who was in a skype call with me and baz was Purpolz and he hates you. Nice try. bapss is a healer man.. cmon http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pyruslords/images/4/4f/4Head.png/revision/latest?cb=20140609044245
  14. don't tell me how it works. Within 2 seasons i didnt got banned once. Baz got banned once thats it. If some1 want to explain me that he needs to use it because its a regular spell. "please" this spell is/ was on retail useless. And yes if people still abuse it after some1 told him to stop, it's an abuse for me. keep hateing but i guess im allowed to report people as i said. never got banned within 2 seasons :) (ok maybe for insulting someone lel )
  15. demn german try
  16. 1. --> Ðionysus 2. --> Fun 3. He is abusing a well known bug. For that bug there are already reports in the "bug report" section and so on. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140081&p=971061#post971061 4. Proof : In the beginning you see the "bind elemental" spell on the water elemental. Right after the ele is free he just use it again. And again and again etc etc. 0:30 --> abusing it once again. Screenshot : http://imgur.com/F178Z7p screenshot : you still see the visual effect. Sad that he is talking about "abuse" while he is abusing by hisself. 5. He know's from this bug like everyone does. It's obvious that this is bugged because he can shut down the pet for 1 minute and after people told him to stop he still abuse it. Just want to mention the rules. also here : He provide a huge advantage for hisself because he can just spam that cast on the pet and the mage has to walk around without pet nova --> no icelance proccs etc.
  17. how much ?
  18. Noneedholy


    Good that i deathed more and its even in my past broadcasts. Survival hunter with 100k explosive shot should destroy every single mage here. So don't talk about hardcounter lol ? I guess even repitch can admit that you trashtalked after you won
  19. Noneedholy


    No the worst thing is that even than he still trashtalked us WHILE he played against rogue priest. Just disgusting.
  20. you didnt even mention 1 time your ingame name here... # there are few monks like mingxo ming mingxoxo mingming... idk why every mw take that "ming" sh*t lel tell me yours 4Head
  21. Noneedholy


    lmfao yes as priest i wasn't 2.5. If you would have searched betther, i was 2.6 in s15 as rdruid and on my priest almost 2.6 in 2s and 5s. Man you even played with your russian mate against me and Pewdsx. You got outplayed and lost like 3-4 ???? times ? No idea how u can loose with hunter who do 100k explosive shot dmg. Ah ye now i know it ! You couldn't even go for a simple fear. Dont make yourself look good. Your just like every other player on pandawow who is near to 3k but cant even break it (as it would be hard lol). Your mad at some classes because you can't get rating ? Sorry i only hear "FIREMAGE OP, FIREMAGE OP" from people who are just too bad to appear in the ladder from that server. You should know that rating =/= your Skill but mkay if you want to talk about rating. There are few good player on Pandawow who actually manage it to outplay every firemage. Ofc because it is not hard. People who complain about a firemage simply can't outplay them. But ye in the last topic i explained you that crit banner is broken but nvm you won't understand shit. yes only against my DESTRO rld. And even THERE you cried how OP rogue destro is after you got farmed like 3-4 times ! Here just a screenshot how it begun "Impossible to win" saying that as priest kfc to destro wls. http://imgur.com/T9mxe4m =) bet you are glad on retail. Faina you are arrogant for no reason. I saw you trinketing Sap's, you died against my ROGUE PRIEST while you played "Hunter Priest". Even after you won twice against my rogue + Priest team you trashtalked. You are even trashtalking a Rogue priest team while you play Hunter priest ? Just another proof how poor you are. Inb4 trinket repitch's sap and die =) Im done discussing about firemages now. I feel like i'm in the official Blizzard Arena forums (everyone who played retal will understand what i mean ) ;)
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