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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy


    uhm and ? ah ye my bad ... he was 3074 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/aegwynn/Shelbyz/statistic#21:152 clueless scrub.
  2. yes that heppened in New York. But ye just wanted to post it in here since it's a good video to think about ;)
  3. Noneedholy


    play it and proove me something else than. And yes if you think fire is op you have no idea about that game. I mean honestly play minecraft or something. Why i only hear people crying here who got outplayed ? Why you don't ask people who actually know what happened on retail ? Noone cares about opinions from people who played around 2.2 in s15. Ofc a 2.2 firemage couldn't do shit. In another thread i prooved. You can ask Autschbatsch(2.9 s15) and Shelby (3.1 s15) They will both tell you that fire is not op. But nvm i don't need to discuss with someone who don't even know how a spec works but still complain about it.
  4. yes cloak in the opener and die right after when you get a feary fire from somwehere 4Head :D
  5. Noneedholy


    first of all, try to play with a firemage in 3s WMS, than play on my rating with my ratio and THAN you are able to mention my name ok ? typical pandawow random Hahaha so obvious .. this guy is a russian who is just QQ'ing around. nvm random
  6. Noneedholy


    The 2 biggest c*nts are talking here. Akuyama and kennyart Rofl. Two of the biggest abuser from whole Pandawow, just disgusting ... Kennyart you are nothing without locks in 2s deal with it ! even with a hunter you stuck on 2.4 Don't want to mention 3s where you get farmed since aquavit quit the server ( he has alot to do irl atm ) And Akuyma is nothing without a Rof --> orb --> blizzard abusing mage. Also he abuse "Holy Word: Sanctuary" Both just completly disgusting and worthless. Pce
  7. Noneedholy


    ye you should know i posted a "thread" because you can't report me than ;) oh ye try it harder
  8. / offtopic but that was actually amazing what i just saw here :
  9. haha i feel the same... FeelsBadMan
  10. Noneedholy


    some1 told me akuyama has twin sisters ? http://i.4cdn.org/b/1447330146790.jpg true or not ? im just asking ...
  11. But i can't test the skull banner because as i said that happens very barely so i dont know how much does it increase the dmg and what need to happen that it's bugged that much.
  12. read my comment please .. idk i dont want to repeat myself all the time again -_- As i said it only happens barely. It's rare as fuck and as we see there are like 2-3 screenshot existing how my mage hits for 160k + ? Why ? because that only happen in 3s and only with crit banner SOMETIMES. I just remember that shit 3-4 the whole last and this season http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6694507 here is a video how i flawless someone with a 211k execute. This shit is just broken sometimes as we see in that video here. *nvm
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2o-NkdlaX8&list=PL8CE46F72D4FE9E45&index=4
  14. well thats what google translate says : Only "bastard" is enough to report him.
  15. 1. KennyArt 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=53176 3. 2.3 - Insulting of any sort 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=153387&page=18 proof if he edit it : https://gyazo.com/07e0a6c5fcf968419af7381fac456efc
  16. what the actually fuck ur talking about ? can you please read my whole comment instead of QQ here ? he is lowgeared AND ? he still have 77% resillence. ffs ... but for you : without gear : https://gyazo.com/50ba466778da2abad4d495b9f629728d with gear : https://gyazo.com/17931d0cd85ad6cee3940082a3fb7da5 3% dmg difference. As i said above
  17. Noneedholy


    you didn't bindet it :D? Well me either but i binded it in a macro with divine hymn :3
  18. english2hard at least speak the universal language when you citate me ok ?
  19. gd one, try to use ur "heal" macro more often ;) heals and give alot of chi I usually use it on cd as ww helped me alot when i started to play ww ;)
  20. nah ... http://i.imgur.com/st4Fa8h.gif
  21. jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja
  22. Noneedholy


    just a question ... is dionysus akuyamas brother ? They both like abusing and playing the most op shit ... also both are huge trashtalker Edit : http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/25379068 Can someone help me ? i didnt count how often he abused Rof + Blizzard. Well ye akuyama your trash. loosing multiple times to rdruid war. /trash priest /r1 abuser
  23. You want to talk about retail explosive shot ~40k and here 100k ? No ? So stop talking please anyways ---> Crit banner + all proccs. Already said in another topic that crit banner scales too much if you don't want belive it, rip not my problem. Hansol did 110k (as undead) and max 120k as human with Pyro and now ? Baz does 130k/135k in his regular burst without crit banner (clap) he does like 10-15k more and ye cba talking about crit banner. Typical russians who QQ after they lost. kk bro, done look 111k crit on someone WITHOUT trinket proc =) and don't tell me that it was only because he is lowgeared 111k pyroblast. INTERESTING as i heard 90k was max :) ? ok 77%... fullgeared you have 80% = 107.670 Pyroblast without even your strongest procc --> the PvP trinket proc. don't mess with me, i guess i know way more about firemages than you rofl. Keep beeing mad because you got raped. And ye i won't answer to this stupid "OMG 180k PYRO " Threads anymore, we already said that it does only that much dmg with Crit banner because Crit banner is broken. I can also hit 270k execute with that banner which is NOT legit. That doesn't happen often but as soon as that happen people gonna go into the forum and QQ how op Pyro is. Disgusting. But i guess you know alot more about warriors than me :) Kappa
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