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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Well yeah, you see a HUGE different between this dk and dk's who do way less dmg. I remember Drethmvp for example. He is not the best DK but i know him since 2 years and also know that he was 2.6 on retail. So he actually KNOW how to do dmg as dk. Still his dmg get doubled by DK's like this one. weird :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: Also if he increased his stats thats maybe a reason how his lichborn heals him from 30 ---100% with 1 deathcoil. That could explain alot @juster
  2. Roflmao you guys really dont know what is a good playlist ... mine : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQaBWziYvY&list=PL5AAA4882CCA23FFC
  3. weegee, rather invite me into ur shitty guild now lmao
  4. ye just uploaded it :D wait for it
  5. Well some people told me that hes using some kind of programms to increase his dmg but tbh i have no idea if that is just Pandawow's mistake or he's using some things for real. no QQ but i would really like to know what this retard is doing. Or if some1 has any idea and no i have no idea what exactly is bugged for dk's but that's why im creating this thread. Also some ppl tell me that hes abusing the same bug as absolutezero no idea :confused:
  6. because this report is senseless. 9 sec clones doesnt exist sorry close pls
  7. He is actually the only GM here that care about players and requests in the forum you cunt.
  8. i might gonna transfer my war later. Is there a raid planned today :3?
  9. ok i guess you trolled abit too much xD troll detected but tbh i almost belived you man
  10. queueing 3s atm is tbh the most boring shit that ever happened to this server. out of 20 games : WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS LSD WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS WLS LSD WLS WLS WLS For fuck sake this shit is gonna be boring really. ah ye with the "fix" im talking about locks. It's hard to see even one resto shaman / warrior anymore, who try to play a comb that required at least a bit brain. I feel like in Wod as soon as i que 3s here https://gyazo.com/8f3925b573dfe92d84882198ca3b1e55 Lmfao
  11. playing with a dk means you are a scum. i doubt chiv will do that.
  12. ok my war will be there ! best xmog around
  13. who is that ? lmfao
  14. well as i said before, if some1 has an account with a fullgeared warrior, and he don't need it... message me :D only have 500 bonuses atm so no way to buy a war on x100 hord :3
  15. nah im a wintrader .. allahuakbarz 90-0 obv wintrader & bad war. But ye ! maybe @nemifest would sponsor a hord war for me :3 ? so we could both tank ... as you want nemifest :O 666 posts ill never post anything again sry ! jk
  16. MARKZXY PROT WARRIOR DREAM :O ? OR NONEED GUARDIAN DRUID ? OR GUARDIAN PRIE ... wait no but idk what i should choose
  17. tbh i dont care about demo locks. There is not 1 good demo lock and they get rekd anyways. But ye affliction is most retarded
  18. http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/v/21832607 well i played really bad tbh yesterday but that doesnt matther. they got farmed 3 times after that. That video is just the best example.
  19. Doesn't matther, if we want a scripted server we have to report every bug. I'm just tired of this abusing retard "sinsitto" who only use fist for dmg ... not even for cc or (for example) to force blink from a mage he simply rapes you in a faist from 100-0. Well i didn't die but i got 110k fists in my face lmao
  20. ^ you are still one of the worst player here on that server. I linked a video also stop writing in here kk thanks bye +
  21. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122470/touch-of-karma 2. Touch of karma can't be removed from spells like ice block, divine shield, melee bubble etc. Actually when a monk use touch of karma on you and you gonna block, you loose the buff but it still absorbs every dmg you do into the monk. 3. After you use block when you have touch of karma up, you should be able to do dmg on the monk. 4. 21.10.2015 5. x100 / fun 6. 9/10 - Only reason How some scrub monks are able to play on highrating. (sinsitto) also @furmetal i would like that some1 could check the formula for http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656/fists-of-fury 100k crits aren't that normal :D (i just looked at the formula and had to cut myself lmao) just the proof 10 stacks + on use trinket does only 60+k fist
  22. still bugged. mastery & combust still get applied twice update : combustion is useless now. its completly dumb and even more weak than before.
  23. gonna test the dmg later.
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