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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Fixed but k
  2. Guys ... he dont care about private server rating bcuz its too easy K ? Thats why he dont even try it . How can u be so blind lol ... thats logic
  3. Want an interview with nemidog :3
  4. Talking about people who talk about rating on a private server while being lowrated on a private server. Lul
  5. Its same bugges as before lel
  6. Ofc not. #pandadevspriority :)
  7. I hope you dont mean arena ? Because in arena or bgs, battke fatigue will be up 24/7
  8. Why do you argue with an bad affliction lock ?
  9. Nop, cyclone ignores every ability and im sure it shouldn't work in clone. Thats also how it is on warmane
  10. Chaosbolt is supposed to hit through ros you genius ... If you cant kill a destro as KFC you are simply not good = L2P issue
  11. No, its like reck where you can hit through etc. Also as i said there is already a PROPER russian report about this. No reason to spam this thread everywhere srsly
  12. You mean that you can basically 2x icelance + 1deep at the end with 2 fof proccs y ?
  13. There aree only some spells which hit theough sac so ur report is invalid. Theres already a russian report about it mr. Souken Jk
  14. Why does triggar always talks about pvp ? Didnt we tell him already that hes not allowed to brag about his pbp achievments when he cant even get 2.2k ? Weird this triggar ...
  15. Next gen fake.
  16. K sorry mr. "I stuck on 2k on Pandawow" be quiet creature.
  17. Ppl who buy glad chars. Jesus, it should be forbidden
  18. Everything was fine compared to wars and huntards xD Frostbomb mage
  19. Well said sir. Would be believable if you would have aclue bout the game bow retard. Use googme if you dont trust me. Ele mage druid is called shatter cleave but hey w/e ur bad anyways so who cares
  20. Noneedholy


    He is. And yes hes around 35-40 Just wondering if he still lives in his moms basement or not lel He acts like maxuhmilli, only difference is that diabolique is abit more stupid and his english is beyond bad due lack of brain
  21. Nerf demo, buff dk. Lets fix this server in DK logic plx
  22. Lmao wondering where max's r1 title is when he farmed me. Oh wait, r1 was too hard because you simply blow. Repitch was right you are hilarious and a worthless creature, screaming and insulting /to/ his mom everytime when you are in skype. Disgusting nerd lol You should learn some respect, at least to your parents @Autsch, he said hes looking for a 2s build
  23. Ye, lets listen to a monk that played with kickbotter& orbbotted by hisself on retail. Feel like we are talking about diabolique. Linue said that spirit is onenof the worst stat in 3s. Gonna give you an webarchieve when i get my internet back lul
  24. Noneedholy


    Oh, was that too much english for you ? Sad that your brain doesnt work properly enough to use google translate. Just another proof for how retarded you are. Idk why you keep trying to argue since your points are just beyond shit without any proof. Diabolique get it, noone likes you. You are the same worthless creature like triggar47
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