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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. Bapss

    TOP 3v3

    Affliction lock suck on this server because pvp power isn't taken into account when attacking totems - so if you face a Resto Shaman team he can pretty much solo heal with healing stream totem. Seriously needed fixing when I was playing - that's why you never see any Affliction Lock spell-cleaves on here dominating - like MLS/LSD/LSDv2
  2. Bapss

    Tremor Totem

    Did they fix pvp power not effecting your damage to totems yet? That was the only bug that i really cared about lol. It was WAY to OP vs Affliction Warlocks. Basically makes healing stream an absolute ball ache to kill. Once that's fixed Rsham isn't OP at all, Rdruid is better.
  3. Bapss

    Vanish Bug

    confirmed this is bugged
  4. Bapss


    Lololol Alex getting farmed by Diabloque. #Feelsbadman You need me to write a Resto Shaman guide for you? :)
  5. bump 10/10 prio... This bug carries all noob resto shamans on this server. Pretty much makes Resto Shaman way OP.
  6. That's probs best... I swear Razer naga's are OP for that shit :P But once again, (and last time i'll write it), you don't need a macro, just go into your keybinds, and bind "Focus Arena1 = Tab", "Focus Arena2 = Shift+Tab", "Focus Arena3 = Ctrl+Tab". Simples. But you need tab targeting if you don't have /Target arena1,2,3, bound lel
  7. Seriously? :fool::shock: 1. Wrong as usual. lol 2. Your link just proves what I'm saying. > Could you grow a brain someday maybe!? :good::appl: 3 Lava bursts? Lol, why are you always so stupid?:fool: It was 1 Lava burst, a mastery proc, and then an earth shock. On pandawow this still wouldn't get the totem below 40%, since it has twice the resilience of normal + heals itself lol. So what is your point..? Are you trying to say that Unleash Elements is bugged again? Or are you going to spend 2 hours saying it's bugged, before realising you don't know what the fuck you're talking about again and finally go quiet? lol :p There's a reason why I farm whenever I queue as resto and why I got 2.9 retail barely even trying.. It's because I don't have autism irl like you. :crazy: :heart: I appreciate how much time of your life you take up to idolise and fanboi me :heart:, but I feel like (as someone that you look up to) I should warn you, to stick to being a private server hero because without your queue dodging all the time you would get REKT and farmed so bad... :rofl_mini::mocking: lol. Please Admin, give Alex the title "Шейхалекс, Dionysus Wannabe", or "Шейхалекс, Owned by Dionysus" he deserves it. :o:heart: I know you'll take my advice Alex (1.5 resto sham retail). Cy@ :bye:;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.s. - I don't even care about PC games or little kids egos to be honest. I just feel bad for this kid Alex, and how no matter how much time of his life he wastes trashtalking, obsessing, or trying to become as good as me, he still always seems to be play like a retard. If he didn't dodge (like he does every season when I farm him), I could come back from not playing and instantly put him back where he belongs at 1500 in just one night lol! And I barely even log online once every couple of months anymore! So please Шейхалекс/Alex, if you're reading this, take a break, go outside, and finally admit to yourself the truth about who you are.. A salty, nerdy little kid, and no matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, you will always be an autistic private server tryhard, forever obsessed over me & being stuck in my shadow - Afterwards you will feel better for admitting the truth. :):rolleyes: P.s.s. - Resto shaman is OP as fuck compared to all other healers on Pandawow because of this bug - it's stupid and needs fixing. Stop trying to pretend totems aren't bugged just because you need bugs to carry you Шейхалекс. Either you are purposefully lying or just INCREDIBLY stupid (like how you thought Unleash Flame-tongue was bugged when I told you it wasn't. If you genuinely believe totems are not bugged, then you're retarded and need to get some help irl lol.)
  8. The fuck is wrong with all these people giving you shitty advice lol? You don't need a macro, just go into keybinds and under something like "targetting binds" it will say "focus arena1" "focus arena2" "focus arena3". Gotta say though it'll probably be hard to bind all that shit without a mouse, unless you use F1/2/3 for it.
  9. that's a tooltip bug.. I'm pretty sure you should still be able to be slowed.
  10. hahahahhaha wtf? Very good report Noneed! This will make healers much more balanced. :)
  11. lol you make it sound like you didn't lose any games :p Whatever, I farm you all the time anyway.
  12. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Hex 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. Hex is breaking from immediately Flame shock (which only does 8k dmg). 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. It must take a certain amount of damage before breaking. 4.Date when you tested it. 12/06/2015 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. Fun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 7/10
  13. Link timestamp - I think you're mistaken.
  14. You realise that's on retail - not here where it hits more like 24k
  15. :rofl_mini: Not only could they not win with Lock Gate bugged, but they also had to dodge maps? If we did the same they wouldn't of won a game lol. But okee, gg :clapping:;)
  16. 1. Nobody else was queueing 5s the entire night - so which team exactly you talking about lol so 2. We didn't get another team - we got a queue vs an empty arena (0 players), because they all left queue. :good::bye: 3. They waited for us to join and saw it was Tol'vir - Use brain pls. -_- I only even found out because people in their skype call /w me saying that they were like "OMG NO WE GONNA LOSE" when they saw which map it was, and so cheated lol. :appl:
  17. A.K.A. Everyone told me how on skype they were shouting "omg we gonna lose" immediately when first game popped and so they dodged.. Dats some next level tryhard lol. Nps though - in future everyone else will just cheat too. :)
  18. wtf are you talking about? You realise the video I linked was of retail right - and so not bugged; therefore of course lava burst hit for more than on here and took 3 fel flames max to kill. But on here it is bugged and you hit for much less. So why close the thread lol?
  19. Umadbrah? ;):mocking:
  20. Lel and in the news/hollywood/media/banking/politics of America - but if you link statistics or quote Jewish people admitting it, you will be called a racist anti-semite. :good: To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise - and it's the Jews. The constantly race bait in America and propagate white guilt EVERYWHERE for EVERYTHING. In America they endlessly shame the youth into hating their ancestors and founding fathers because of Slavery, but only 1.4% of American's owned slaves - and 40% of them were Jews lol - but you will never hear about it. Same with the largest Genocide of the 20th Century by the Soviets under Jewish Bolshevism. They literally slaughtered White European, Christian Orthodox Soviets by the tens of Millions (Genrikh Yagoda, The Holodomor ect.) Yet all you hear about, over and over again is this supposed "6 million" figure that died in the Holocaust. It is propagated endlessly, like in the recent Xmen movie, that people don't even question the blatant flaws in the narrative (good thing too because it's illegal in many European Countries). Anyway fuck the Usury of Zionists - the sooner they are wiped from the earth the better. I really hope we don't have to start war'ing with these "Refugees" soon, because they aren't the real enemy. At the same time though they are not fit to be allowed in Europe.
  21. wow this is one long ass thread, and I only read the first page.. But I agree the war on terror is somewhat staged. ISIS funded by US ect. Ultimately it is the Zionists are to blame. Nobody can deny their incredible dominance over the US in Media/Politics.. It's just disgusting when you look at the statistics. AIPAC (a foreign lobby for the Jews) is the strongest lobby in America, and it's common knowledge in US politics that without their support you can't become president. Wtf is up with that lol? A foreign people deciding who becomes your president. They donated over 66% of the funding for both the Democrat and Republican party (to Ted Cruz and Hillary mostly). They own 5/6 of the major networks, and the only non-jew is Rupert Murdoch, who is openly as big a Zionist as any. And just look at who all these wars benefit ultimately - Israel. Iraq/Syria were Israel's two biggest threats. Now the ENTIRE region is just a rabble, with puppet democracy's ect. The thing that makes it most blatantly obvious though how the Zionists are trying to demographically replace the Europeans, while simultaneously neutering Islam (who are extremely patriarchal and anti-Jewish) is how they constantly push ethnic migration into all European Countries and talk of how much it benefits us, but then amongst themselves, in their own policies and their own newspapers, they talk about how African immigration is equivalent to cancer ect. All this stuff - Multi Culturalism, Feminism, Equality, Trans-genders, SJW's, Hate Speech, Racist, Anti-Semite ect.. It's all just used to divide and conquer. European countries are weaker than they have EVER been. We will be ethnically replaced, or civil war will occur within the next 100 years. I've got nothing against Muslims - I actually think we need to re-establish the patriarchy. But I really think there should be at least one all-White-European country, because nobody can deny that the races are biologically different, and just to throw away the white gene is such a waste of brilliance and potential.. White Europeans are responsible for 90%+ of everything that is relevent in modernity. From medicine/science/art/technology - you name it. Ultimately though, Europeans politics & people will forever remain weak so long as the media is controlled by Zionists. Once the white Europeans are gone - they're gone forever. They will never exist again. Just picture that - a world without ethnically pure whites and only mongoloids lol. The Zionists will rule us with ease, and uncontested. p.s. - Sry for the messy english but cba'd reading what I was writing lol
  22. Well both are near enough half. 12k vs 21k for lightning bolt 24k vs 48k for lava burst So I dunno, I haven't checked other vids to see what they hit, but ultimately fel flame should kill healing stream in 3 hits MAX. - - - Updated - - - Aff lock would be best to test it with though. Fel Flame on here hits 5100 unbuffed, 7000 with trinket+tailoring. Cba looking for afflock vid now though will do later
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