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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Server is online so it should be your side issue. Try to restart pc, router and delete folder cache from your wow directory.
  2. Type /ignore playername We don't punish players because they're spamming duels. If you have him in your ignore list he won't be able to request you in duel anymore till you remove him of course. Declined
  3. Yes it's okey to write what screenshot should have or even share the url of format, that's not moderating and it's actually cool to see people helping each other. Moderating is when you're making a decision like you did above by typing "declined". Anyway, everything is cool now let's just wait GM's reply.
  4. Don't try to moderate. You're not a staff member so you can't make a decision therefore stop typing "declined". What you're doing is against forum rules so please stop it.
  5. TG= Shut up. I asked a friend who speaks french and I google it as well. https://translate.google.com/#fr/en/ta%20gueule Declined
  6. Upload the screenshot at imgur.com because I can't see what he is saying. Also, make sure to write a translation in your format
  7. You should open a new thread in this section if you want to make a change email request, don't post in this topic.
  8. First of all, we don't accept edited screenshots but anyway there is no violation here. Declined
  9. Alright. Just edit your report and follow this format http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 It's a must to write in your format the realm where you saw the violation otherwise report is invalid.
  10. I edited your format and added violator name but for future reports check this because without violator name report is invalid. [spoiler=How to copy a nickname, if it contains Аlt-code, is in different language, or is too hard to write down:]In chat, list of nick-names in the battle ground or arena player log box. You have to shift+left click the name with open chat, and press Ctrl+a (to select), then Ctrl+c (to copy) and Ctrl+v (in the report, to paste). Don't worry if you see question marks like those: "???????" in chat, the nickname will be still copied the write way in the forum. Also, if there is no log box, nor the violators messages in chat, you can target him, and write in chat: /run local name = UnitName("target");ChatFrame_OpenChat("/w "..name.." Hello.", chatFrame); and get his nickname.
  11. You need to be in the same guild to receive items from mailbox instantly if not you need to wait an hour. Closed
  12. By bumping your thread you won't get answer faster. Be patient and wait a high ranked staff member will reply in your thread as soon as possible.
  13. Not according to rules. You must follow the format http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Declined
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