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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. You should open a new thread at other problems subforum and you also need to follow this format: 1. Account name. 2. Realm. 3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to. 4. Your IP address, indicate all of them. 5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email ( If Microsoft have deleted your Hotmail/Outlook, you don't have to ) 6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email. Closed
  2. Closed
  3. It's not only that he can't log-in game but he can't enter at website as well so it should be something else.
  4. I tested the bug and I only get error #132 when I am at Alterac Valley. In all other BG's scoreboard working fine for me, so if anyone can confirm this it would be great. The bug should be only at Alterac Valley therefore don't open the scoreboard while you're fighting but I am afraid that in the end of the fight you will get error.
  5. Silly suggestion that might work. Try to reboot pc and router maybe thats why you can't log-in. Sometimes I am experiencing this issue as well and always a reboot solved the issue.
  6. Not according to rules. Always when you're reporting someone you have to follow the format http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Declined
  7. Yesterday you made a ticket about your issue and I answered you there as well. If issue still persists report it at bug tracker. Always, repair character and delete cache helped me with this issue but as I see more and more people experiencing this so it should be server side issue. Closed
  8. Are you sure that you're typing your email correctly? Also, check if the email you're using to create a new account is already taken. I recommend you to create now a new email (gmail is the most reliable) and try once again to log-in.
  9. Do what vader1138 said and you can also try delete cache folder from your wow directory. Let me know if it worked
  10. Did you click at activation email which is coming after your registration in our server?
  11. Closed
  12. No, we can't delete a character even if his activity is low just because you want to use his name. Declined
  13. Necroposting.
  14. 30 mins.
  15. βλ. Αλέξης Τσίπρας. Δεν ξέρουν τι εστι κολοτούμπα... Just ask yourself why most of the media fighting Trump and soon or late you will understand.
  16. Glad it helped. Closed
  17. Server is online so it should be your side issue. Try to restart pc, router and delete folder cache from your wow directory.
  18. Closed
  19. Type /ignore playername We don't punish players because they're spamming duels. If you have him in your ignore list he won't be able to request you in duel anymore till you remove him of course. Declined
  20. Yes it's okey to write what screenshot should have or even share the url of format, that's not moderating and it's actually cool to see people helping each other. Moderating is when you're making a decision like you did above by typing "declined". Anyway, everything is cool now let's just wait GM's reply.
  21. Don't try to moderate. You're not a staff member so you can't make a decision therefore stop typing "declined". What you're doing is against forum rules so please stop it.
  22. TG= Shut up. I asked a friend who speaks french and I google it as well. https://translate.google.com/#fr/en/ta%20gueule Declined
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