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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Muted but next time if you want to report someone who is inside BG or arena open scoreboard so I can see from which realm violator is.
  2. Create a new account and try to log-in with it at fun realm please. Let me know if it worked
  3. Player should be from x100 realm. Therefore, edit your format.
  4. Double thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197280 Closed
  5. Are you stucking at connecting or you get any other error? Post a screenshot at imgur.com so I can fully understand your issue.
  6. No proofs that player is from fun realm. Declined
  7. While you're trying to log-in at fun realm are you getting any error or it just stays at connecting. If you can upload a screenshot at imgur.com so I can fully understand your issue.
  8. Declined
  9. You have to follow the format http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  10. Party invite bug. It was the most annoying bug for me.
  11. Punished.
  12. Try to repair your rogue from website and make sure to have deleted folder cache everytime you log-in with your character.
  13. Wrong section. You need to report the bug here and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  14. Not according to rules. Timestamps and class colors are missing so player can't get banned for family insult. Declined
  15. 6 pages with useless posts. Not even 1 useful post which has to do with the report. I will inform GM's.
  16. Closed
  17. Disable all addons you're using on your warrior and you can also try reset all settings at interface.
  18. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Declined
  19. Try to delete cache folder from your wow directory and also reboot pc and router. Tell me if it worked
  20. Willjustdead muted.
  21. We don't accept edited screenshots. Declined
  22. Punished.
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