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Game Masters
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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. If your friend bought the item we can't help you further but since you said that he will return your bonuses everything is okey. Closed
  2. [spoiler=3.1. My country/operator is not available in the SMS service. Please add it.] - We cannot add any country/operators in SMS service because it is a third-party service, it doesn't belong to our project, we are just using their services. If your country/operator is not available in this service we can't help you. Try to use other service (Paymentwall). Closed
  3. Not according to rules. Timestamps and class colors are missing so player can't get banned for family insult. Declined
  4. Not according to rules. You have to follow the format. Declined
  5. There is no need to be rude towards players. If he constantly spams and insulting players you can report him here in this section. Watch your language Stop fighting and wait GM's reply.
  6. Word "motherfucker" isn't family insult, it's player insult. Also, since you didn't provide proofs from which realm is the player we can't be sure. If you check armory there is player Ageofrock in both Xfun and x100 realm. Declined
  7. If you disagree with your punishment you can appeal here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 Closed
  8. Someone logged with your account and he bought something for your characters so just check your characters one by one and try to find the bought item. It's impossible to lose your bonuses. Also, I want to ask if you share your account with any of your friends.
  9. Try to have deleted cache folder from your wow directory every time you log-in with your character.
  10. if you disagree with your punishment you can appeal here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 Closed
  11. 1.9. Administration is not responsible for any actions which has resulting a player losing their account due to their own fault. You should not share your account with your friends. Just wait a reply from Game Masters in your thread. Closed
  12. You mean that you're falling under map/textures? Because it's impossible a Game Master gave you "sleep", it's against server rules. Do what gamerchik said and tell us if it worked
  13. Edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  14. It's not even provocation. By your logic word "mom" should be punishable. Declined
  15. Do what Weegee said in a similar thread. It's weird but it's working.
  16. You can't use Judgment because you don't use any seal. Closed
  17. The response I get from server when I am going to mute him is "Player not found" so player doesn't exist. Sometimes when a player changes his name it doesn't change instantly at website so I guess player name changed or deleted his character to avoid punishment. Declined
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