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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Timestamps and class colors are missing so player can't get banned for family insult. Also, edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  2. I already told you multiple times that we can't restore your gear. Read server rules. Declined
  3. Run pandawow-32 bit as administrator and try to log-in with your account if you still can't log-in please try to reboot pc and router.
  4. Can you show me a screenshot of your issue and also I want to ask you if you can log-in with your game account at pandawow's website if not let me know.
  5. Design of website is already finished and no administration haven't planned a date for the upcoming arena season but check forums once in a while and when they will have something to say about it they will let community know.
  6. Try to repair your character from website and also delete folder cache from your wow directory. If that won't help you have to drop the profession and to relearn it.
  7. It looks like the paladin got feared from the priest and he got bugged underground.
  8. You can obtain Vicious Saddle with only 1 character per account. Closed
  9. Watch your language. It's a lot you don't know, we close threads for several reasons but not because we don't want to help players. Therefore, if you don't know don't spread lies. Anyway, now regarding your issue please read this guide http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115946 Let me know if it worked
  10. Just wait an answer. A GM will reply in your appeal as soon as possible. By creating new threads you won't make them look faster your ban appeal. Declined
  11. http://imgur.com/a/fKfhW He can move threads but probably he is busy. Most of the times GM's and admins do this job because they can moderate in all sections.
  12. If you want to report someone for insults you have to disable mature language. Also, word "motherfucker" isn't an insult towards family. Declined
  13. Take a look at this guide http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115946 Tell me if it worked
  14. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, this is called multiboxing and it's allowed in our server. Declined
  15. I am not sure just p.m. Zeox for more informations. There is nothing I can do more to help you out so please contact Zeox. Closed
  16. You have negative balance in control panel thats why you can't log-in with your account. Read what you have to do here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=200797&p=1208094#post1208094
  17. If you constantly getting disconnected only with 1 account as you said above it means that you're banned. Log-in at cp.pandawow.ru/en/main.html with the account you're unable to connect in our server and show me a screenshot of your control panel.
  18. Jegerm

    Heroic Leap :(

    Repitchx mark it as fixed in your TODO list. It's now working as intended.
  19. Show me a screenshot of your issue please. I want to see exactly what message are you getting and you are unable to log-in.
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