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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Declined
  2. Not according to rules. Name of violator is missing please read spoiler for future reports. [spoiler=How to copy a nickname, if it contains Аlt-code, is in different language, or is too hard to write down:]In chat, list of nick-names in the battle ground or arena player log box. You have to shift+left click the name with open chat, and press Ctrl+a (to select), then Ctrl+c (to copy) and Ctrl+v (in the report, to paste). Don't worry if you see question marks like those: "???????" in chat, the nickname will be still copied the write way in the forum. Also, if there is no log box, nor the violators messages in chat, you can target him, and write in chat: /run local name = UnitName("target");ChatFrame_OpenChat("/w "..name.." Hello.", chatFrame); and get his nickname. Declined
  3. Jegerm

    TOP dps in Arena

    I want to vote for Guardian :druid:
  4. Is it so hard to understand that Chainzrow avoid ban (again) by deleting his character or name changed and that's why when Neff typed the command to ban him he got response from the server that the player is not found? Now after chainzrow saw Neff's replys here at forums that "character not found" he simply restored his character and he is back online but don't worry as Neff said already he send a request to admins for his logs so most likely he will get banned even if he delete his character again or name change. Declined
  5. When you want to report a serious violation like relative insults, server insult etc you need to prove it with a video from now on. Declined
  6. Double thread. Wait an answer in your first thread . By creating multiple threads for your issue you won't make GM's answer faster. Closed
  7. Most likely, someone with your IP voted and that's why you couldn't vote for our server. Closed
  8. If you don't understand what changed in rules it's better to not post at all. Punished
  9. Shadrissa hasn't access in chat logs and yes I am sure I already asked her in the past. I understand.
  10. Just no... Only admins have access in logs and you know that this takes time (not to check logs but provide logs to mods & Game Masters). It's pointless admins lose their time for family insults reports so I'd rather see admins helping developers with fixes and new website instead of providing chat logs to GM's to ban violators.
  11. You should open a new thread in this section again and you also need to follow this format: 1. Account name. 2. Realm. 3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to. 4. Your IP address, indicate all of them. 5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email ( If Microsoft have deleted your Hotmail/Outlook, you don't have to ) 6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email. Declined
  12. If you disagree with your punishment you can appeal here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157002 Don't flood the section with useless threads. Declined
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