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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Señorpujo should be permanent banned already so I believe that this report needs to get closed.
  2. Read here what Zeox said http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=203894&page=3&highlight=retail
  3. Jegerm


    Report violator here http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=220
  4. Game Masters don't help players with hacked accounts anymore sorry but we can't do anything about it. Closed
  5. Alright thank you for letting us know. Closed
  6. Your post contained obscene speech and it had nothing to do with the topic. You don't need to argue with players just let us do our job, if you don't like something report it. Me and other "bad moderators" did turn a blind eye many times (I am talking for this thread only) but since author isn't happy with our actions we will follow blindly all forum rules from now on. You guys passed the limit for the off topic in this thread long time ago so be thankful that this thread didn't close before a while. Honestly, this is my last warning. If you guys continue with the off topic I will close the thread and this isn't a threat. I will simply follow forum rules. 5/10
  7. Use google chrome or mozilla because internet explorer is so outdated. Closed
  8. Try to delete your browser history because sometimes cookies is causing problems like this one. Also, rebooting both pc and router will may help.
  9. Then you have to make a change email request. You should open a new thread at other problems subforum and you also need to follow this format: 1. Account name. 2. Realm. 3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to. 4. Your IP address, indicate all of them. 5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email ( If Microsoft have deleted your Hotmail/Outlook, you don't have to ) 6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email. Closed
  10. Account is already unbanned.
  11. Ban appeal here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845
  12. Repair character from website always worked for me. If it doesn't work for you try to repair twice your character and delete folder cache before you log-in. Now regarding hackers you can always report them here and GM's will deal with as soon as possible. Also, be sure that GM's banning many hackers when they're online but most of them creating new accounts and it goes all over again. Closed
  13. We can't help you with this issue since you can't really prove that Youcol is your character. If you really like this name you can just change one letter or use a similar name etc. Closed
  14. It's not possible to transfer you the item sorry but we can't help you with this issue. Closed
  15. No macros are saved server side. Anyway, as I said above it depends which file is corrupted but from my experience in most of the cases both WTF & Interface need removal when those errors coming up. Closed
  16. Yeah thats what I told him yesterday. I have deleted WTF folder multiple times and I never lost my macros but I am not sure what happend with his case. You can't know which file is corrupted but to not lose your time by deleting one by one folder and test if you're able to log-in game you just delete all three of them at once (Interface, WTF and Cache) and you re-download them.
  17. Most likely, yesterday in your case only folder Interface was corrupted but in other cases it's needed to replace WTF folder (if it's broken) as well if you're getting 132 or 134 error.
  18. I am not a developer so I can't answer with certainty but I think it's possible to happen, it's fair. The only thing that makes me think about it twice is that a lot people will complain about it specially if they lose their arena master title.
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