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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  2. Threatening someone is definitely not right but we can't ban someone for it. Also, be sure that if you didn't violate any rule you will not get banned so just ignore those people who say that they're "friends" with GM's because most likely they lie. Declined
  3. Open game menu, go at interface, select controls (first option in the interface) and unmark block guild invites. Let me know if it worked
  4. Go at http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/removed.html and check if your characters are deleted. If so you can restore them with 1 bonus. Also, I want you to tell me if you ever shared any of your account information with a friend.
  5. Open a new thread at donate problems and make sure to follow the format. Also, please upload your screenshots at imgur.com because resolution isn't that good. Closed
  6. Firstly, you need to unequip the gear you currently wear and then put it back again. After this you should go at transmogrification npc and remove the items you transmoged, then simply relog and it should work. Closed
  7. Negative Wrong section. This is a bug and you should report it here http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175 Closed
  8. Most likely, he lied to you. If he really had all this donate mounts in his character after the purchase you should have all this mounts in your character. Anyway, we can't assist you further neither restore the mounts because obviously the character you bought never had the mounts so next time be more careful with what you buy and demand from the seller to show you his character. Closed
  9. When new website will be released in public administration will announce the beginning of the new season but we still don't know the exact date.
  10. Wrong section. You should open a new thread at other problems. Closed
  11. First of all, make an appeal here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845 if you disagree with your punishment and also I doubt that you will get a 30d ban because rules are saying that if you use an inappropriate name the punishment is 10080 minutes. Declined
  12. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, I doubt that they will get banned because you didn't provide proofs from which realm are the violators. Declined
  13. I don't see any insults here and if you want to report someone for spamming you must have timestamps enabled. Declined
  14. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, make sure that if you want to report someone for insults you must have mature language filter off. Declined
  15. It's not an insult. When someone mention your mother it isn't an insult necessarily. Declined
  16. Everything is there. Name, realm where he saw the violation and proofs but simply it's not in a list so the format is just fine.
  17. Don't lie... I checked all your accounts through MCP. You have more than 5 alt accounts created while your main account was banned and btw we have orders from high ranked staff members so don't think that we abuse our powers on you.
  18. What is he saying at 13:41:53 (2nd video)?
  19. It's jegermaister You pretty much said it yourself so I don't know if this thread is serious or a troll but anyway I will explain how things are. As Shadrissa says in the rules for reporting you need video proof only for serious violations like family insults, insulting server etc... With not that serious violations like player insults or obscene speech moderators don't even need chat colors or timestamps to mute someone. We just need to check if the background of the chat is white that's all. Also, did you ever see in the rules for reporting that I don't have the right to mute someone even if the author provides a screenshot with colored letters? No you didn't because it's simply a chat addon. Conclusion, read carefully next time. Declined
  20. Muted. Player not found. It's really weird and I am not sure why this happening because I am able to see character in armory and also I can add him as friend with my character in-game. Anyway, I will look at it later.
  21. Wrong section. Just make a post here in this thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195501&page=33&p=1259031#post1259031 and of course make sure to give the wowhead links of items you want to be added in website store. Closed
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