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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Noneedholy


    im wondering ... hes posting screenshots for like over 1 month now and still 2.1 mmr /lol
  2. Noneedholy


    funny because ur the biggest random right here LOL
  3. the tmorph version who you got isnt working for gear atm ... you have to wait until some1 is gonna fix it or upload a new one
  4. Shamans can actually cast every totem while inlined. For me as warrior against LSD for example this bug is 10/10.... normally i would just inline the ele on nature and fear the healer so he is spell locked and cant use tremmor. But ye as i said they can still use every totem. Also when you try to kill a shaman and he get inlined, hes just running away with his bugged earthgrab totem. Fixes like that would change alot 10/10
  5. September guys ! PogChamp
  6. I remember how every shaman can still cast totems when hes inlined =). Thats actually the biggest bug overall. Also tremmor MC and coil etc. ? srsly ? lol
  7. will we get our bonuses ..no ? 4Head
  8. where is his point ? Resto shaman is more than fine on pandawow roflmao. Don't even want to mention the healing stream which is healing way to much atm
  9. hes using a pqr rotation ? LOL would be funny but PQR isnt that good because every good war plays betther :( DESTRO wls r2 ?? http://orig05.deviantart.net/50dd/f/2014/276/3/1/pogchamp_by_twitchkreygasm-d81hs8a.pnghttp://orig05.deviantart.net/50dd/f/2014/276/3/1/pogchamp_by_twitchkreygasm-d81hs8a.pnghttp://orig05.deviantart.net/50dd/f/2014/276/3/1/pogchamp_by_twitchkreygasm-d81hs8a.pnghttp://orig05.deviantart.net/50dd/f/2014/276/3/1/pogchamp_by_twitchkreygasm-d81hs8a.pnghttp://orig05.deviantart.net/50dd/f/2014/276/3/1/pogchamp_by_twitchkreygasm-d81hs8a.png still no bonuses btw FeelsBadMan
  10. honestly after i saw ***mane fixes i dont have that bad picture anymore from pandawow Roflmao
  11. well as soon as orb into poly isnt fixed and you cant walk as healer into orb to prevent getting cc'd, wms is op also your warrior trinkets charge and win :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
  12. next tourny i guess i will make everyone mad and que wls with funka :crazy: :crazy:
  13. ok than, as soon as i have a team ill be there. If you have a random team wheres a dps missing, let me know repitch. well ur countdown is wrong .. thought its 8 pm .. well i might be afk there but idk. 19 gmt +1 is in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Your countdown tells me 2 hours /lol
  14. yooo u dont wanna do it now ?
  15. well just to help repitch this sneaky heartless rat who cant even stream with a cam bcuz retarded, i gonna introduce myself available for everyone who wants to play. No xp required just ask in the thread and ill join ur team for some funny games. ps @repitch: stream with cam you promised it !
  16. even betther, me and laser hosted this tournaments :)
  17. online ft. iconzx
  18. lol another guy who try to understand that retarded russian guy
  19. idk why ur making tournaments when this server is bugged as much as before. And than in the name from teamplay :cry:
  20. You are so useless. Really ? i'm out
  21. Is it really a teamplay tournament, with laser ? or just from people who are in that guild
  22. want to sign in. Team name : "GET REKT ))))) DDD" member : Rdruid : Noneedrdruid Warrior: Swifty Ret: Athene
  23. and still mods justify ... rofl how old are you guys ? Really ? Just ignore this kids ... well nvm ill give up pce
  24. /facepalm
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