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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. With that low cr even if u lose matches u get -1 or -2 rating so u dont even understand it
  2. No words...
  3. Yeah noone is queuing 3s it's hard to find good arena mates nowadays but it depends on your time zone too..For example if u are from U.S. and its afternoon there here in europe it will be late at night
  4. Nsp70rus, hahahha all time...You know that even professional athletes got 1 day off right? Don't give false info to Bunaseara he will may got hurt if he follow wrong advices.Thats why I suggest you man to ask your personal trainer when you will go at gym he knows better :)
  5. Played with my pala and I joined literally in 30 secs :O
  6. 1. Take a look at: http://pandawow.ru/en/stat.html .Click where Pandawow x100 and Pandawow Fun and you will see Balance Fractions 2. Yes fun realm is pvp realm but in x100 you can do PvE too if you want.I'd say ally is better 3. Since you like to play healer classes I'd suggest you to play MW 4. Don't use foul language because you can get muted easily
  7. When you go at gym ask the trainer.He will tell you whats good for you,it all depends on your body for example if you're skinny he/she will tell you to do other stuff but if you want to get muscles for the summer you got to buy Whey protein ;)
  8. Just replied at Repitchx chill
  9. Jegerm

    Shroud bug

    I do xD
  10. Still Weegee didnt answer me why he isn't in staff anymore but I guess he resigned
  11. hahahha good one...btw awner is no longer in pandawow staff
  12. Hahaha indeed but try to explain this to Juster xD
  13. Kroz You're risking with a forum ban xD
  14. You just bumped an old thread xD
  15. I think you post that at wrong section mate
  16. If they apply fixes at both realms I think automatically will be applied at cross too
  17. I guess we all want that xD
  18. If you insult a staff member you get ban instead of mute and since he is chat moderator only he can't ban the violator Mutes are only if a player insults another player
  19. You're from Lithuania right? :)
  20. I guess all countries have one but my country got 2! When we won at WW1 and when we won at WW2
  21. Jegerm


    I asked Weegee...If he says that we don't need to know I accept it,I am just curious
  22. Maybe Zeox is making TODO list for new bugs and not for hunters if bug is fixed already
  23. Check it >>
  24. hahahahahahahaha so u are rerolling rsham? xD
  25. Still waiting nerfs at hunters :D
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