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Everything posted by Scorp

  1. Yeah, will be applied tomorrow after morning restart together with other fixes that I have in my todo list.
  2. Issue here was that Gossip Menu Option was not displayed if player had only https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30740/champion-of-chi-ji quest taken. After restart will be fixed.
  3. Started to work on "system" blizzard used here and ran into few issues, which prevent me from releasing it. Currently I made it like this, which should be comfortable for players as a temporary solution: - All Creatures will still be visible for all players at all times; - Creature will remember which player activated him (talked to him) and only this player (and players in his group in range) will receive quest completion status no matter how was the creature defeated; - Once a creature is defeated he will respawn few seconds later and next player will be able to encounter him; - If player does not start fighting with creature in 30 seconds after activation, creature will respawn; - Creatures will evade if players try to take them too far away from home position; This version will be applied on x5 tomorrow morning.
  4. Both issues fixed and will be applied on x5 tomorrow morning.
  5. Currently I have different kind of information :PepeHmmm: Link to Log: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/iqrfq9j9il1v8amu/xe/?s=1233&e=1443&x=spell%3D%22Massive+Attack%22 [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Detritivores Absorb (194400) [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Paimeí 188241 (A: 135759) [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Lanzer 152756 (A: 171244) [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Funbites Absorb (324000) [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Kumqatninja Absorb (324000) [21:12:39.018] Qiang the Merciless Massive Attack Brawg Absorb (324000) Link to Log: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-y2h8wwte83wctob8/xe/?s=1023&e=1268&x=spell%3D%22Volley%22 [19:31:20.395] Subetai the Swift Volley Znuggle 131036 (A: 3971) [19:31:20.526] Subetai the Swift Volley Zartur 90980 (A: 44950) [19:31:20.526] Subetai the Swift Volley Naijah Absorb (133379) [19:31:20.667] Subetai the Swift Volley Carpé 114693 (A: 13342) [19:31:20.724] Subetai the Swift Volley Gimgar Absorb (132036) [19:31:20.754] Subetai the Swift Volley Ðips 60258 (A: 72134)
  6. Гонг на х5 я оставил специально, не думаю что это кому-то мешает.
  7. Да, у нас 10% шанс в 10об / 10хм и 25% в 25об / 25хм.
  8. This issue should no longer occur after morning restart.
  9. Done more changes, shouldn't work exactly like it was told in report.
  10. Like it was said above already - from every boss in https://www.wowhead.com/mogushan-vaults there is a 25% chance to receive https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87209/sigil-of-wisdom or/and https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87208/sigil-of-power (on x5 realm). There is also another condition here. You have a chance to win these items only on your first raid week kill, which means if you have defeated first boss on LFR and later go to normal mode and defeat this boss - you have zero chance to win these items anymore from this boss. Of course this condition is not actual yet since LFR is closed, but will mention this now, so there is no confusion next week.
  11. Fixed and already applied on x5.
  12. :PepeKnife::PepeGun:
  13. Scorp


    Fixed, will be applied after restart.
  14. Fixed, will be applied after restart.
  15. Like you said in report https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76091/greater-potion-of-luck was 5.0.5 version, which was replaced by https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=93351/potion-of-luck in 5.1. After restart you will be able to learn to create https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=93351/potion-of-luck.
  16. Same schedule was used on retail.
  17. Scorp


    Fixed, will be applied after morning restart.
  18. https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=60491/sha-of-anger - 90 min. https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=62346 - 2 hours.
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