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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. this report is not shit.. this guy is usning a bot to play bgs while he is not in game to get free honor points just by being afk
  2. GM's can get wrong, like they did here: https://gyazo.com/50984c8611f7d27785b8669117bda42d cuz atm is not working like that, everyone said in pandawow forum that gargole dmg was not snapshot.. but this gm says it is. Here, i asked for haste benefits for dk: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160893 About GM answer: he got wrong saying that haste make DK DOT ticks faster: http://prnt.sc/9x6i0q , but he was right about ghould attack speed and energy regen, its a pitty that nothing from haste work for ghoul in pandawow.
  3. Whats the point? u don't want people to stop using bots? lol
  4. Кскскс Using a BG bot, that que's by itself, and plays by itself. x100 realm video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq95nO0gFGc
  5. Lag strikes again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oemWDmNo48w
  6. but whats wrong with it?
  7. http://db.pandawow.me?item=94034/coraza-empapada-de-sangre-primordial http://db.pandawow.me?item=94032/guanteletes-empapados-de-sangre-primordiales http://db.pandawow.me?item=94030/quijotes-empapados-de-sangre-primordiales http://db.pandawow.me?item=94033/grebas-empapadas-de-sangre-primordiales http://db.pandawow.me?item=94031/espaldares-empapados-de-sangre-primordiales
  8. Could be cool if anti-cheat could insta-bann those who use bots like PQR or other shits (reflect bot, kickbot, and others)
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194518&page=19&p=1176771&viewfull=1#post1176771 Will fly hackers get insta ban even inside bg? in what way will improve?
  10. 6 months lol, i learned how to use warlock and dk in 4 days just after joining pandawow.. just saw 2 vids of each class and the rest i learned by myself while playing.. made my keybinds the first day thats why they are so weird but they work so good for me - - - Updated - - - http://prnt.sc/cbwykg [ATTACH=CONFIG]116979[/ATTACH]
  11. 3k without addons or skype on arenas, addons are not crucial - - - Updated - - - Start playing warrior, you just have to smash the keyboard like this:
  12. mage mechanics: ice lance is instant cast, almost all mage cc is instant, pene time
  13. I didn't report him, but i would time ago as a simbolic report, but i just get used to russian players.
  14. It was a remembering post, cuz i saw they fixed so good stamina buffs, now its turn for mastery and haste buffs.
  15. what happens with meles? - - - Updated - - - Their mechanics are: spam icelance till kill, while spaming all the cc that mages have
  16. Make a general bug report for pathfinding, for all pets in game. Btw http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090&page=10&p=1169592&viewfull=1#post1169592
  17. im crying a river, wai sou moch heit
  18. They should go to each realm section in forum and post there, not to spam like retards in english chat D:, they just get massive ignores
  19. Make a WTS chat pls, english chat is full of WTS spam, anoying as fuck to ignore 20 people every day.
  20. Aight, #LearningWithLefap
  21. damn son, didn't thought about that, lets fix warluck
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