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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Mists of Pandaria PvE content is not implemented on Fun realm, if you want PvE, try x100.
  2. On Blizzard it didn't matter who was queuing(even in RBGs), the highest rate was always chosen. Also, you're contradicting yourself, since you're complaining about their gear while you have gear, and they also lost to a 550/496 comp, which means that their rates match their skills. Still, the MMR system is indeed broken(works, but very poorly, like, 5%). One of the main problems though is that there aren't as many teams as it is intended for the mmr to work like Blizzard, there must be like ~~15 or ~~20 queuing(probably less).
  3. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175 Write a bug report and wait for fixes.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  6. Like a rank one last season.
  7. Just looked for him in the website armory and couldn't find him. Maybe he got deleted?
  8. Was dueling a mistweaver yesterday on x100, he were literally just using Chi Brew, Life Orb and the Rushing Jade Wind. He went out of mana in like 2~~3 minutes and literally died.
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=136262 Alredy reported. Declined.
  10. Realm tested - x100 Date tested - 10/10/2015 Description - Savage Roar, sometimes, bugs, so it will always be able to be used as if it had 1 combo point, giving 17 sec and occasional predatory swiftness procs forever(until relog/character repair/etc). How it should work - If a target has 1 combo point stored and then you use Savage Roar, you should consume them. Priority - 4/10 Proof - I'm not sure what causes it yet, and it seems to be very rare, I'll look into this later.
  11. If the thread is alredy in the first page, please do not bump.
  12. That time is on server time. Also, it is 10/14, so it probably means that it will end at 14th October, 4 days from now. Check it and answer.
  13. She didn't tell me either. Also, she is no longer part of the staff and I don't know why, neither the reason of her user being banned in the forums.
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  15. Update your main post with your new info, the staff don't have to search this far on the thread to find this post of yours.
  16. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=119570 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=104849 Read 9. Also, we do not responsabilize for problems regarding account sharing.
  17. After further testing with Nemifest's help, we were able to see what was wrong, which is the PvP Power coefficient in the formula. Formula updated.
  18. Why is there no timestamps? Also, why didn't you mute him yourself?
  19. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Your thread is alredy in the first page, there is no need to keep "bumping" it. Read the third note - "No need to write in the topic, which is on the first page of the section.".
  20. You're welcome. Next time pass by Sha of Anger to get his loot. Or gold.
  21. I'll have 2 exams and 3 tests tomorrow due to some holidays that were positioned in our tests' week. Also I wasn't able to go to school in the days that they were teaching the subjects that would be in the tests. /cry
  22. I tried to change my password, just to test. I use Gmail. I've been waiting for the email for over a day.
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