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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Next time follow the format. Banned.
  2. Administration's decision was to issue the ban. From now on when the Game Master will notice any simultaneous actions when someone is multiboxing, for example using the same ability at a very short time he will get banned no matter if he uses third party software, doing the trick with the mouse or with any other known or uknown method we are aware till now. Administrators decided that either way the player who does such actions is taking advatage against other players and he must get banned. Banned.
  3. There will be an answer of administration at the original report.
  4. Regarding the report, Chainzow already provided proofs of how he does it and right now with all the data and informations we gathered there is no proof of usage of third party programs. Although, since there were numerous complaints lately about multiboxing all the administrators are informed about it and they instructed me to not make a decision about it yet because they might update the rules regarding multiboxing in general. Right now there are some discussions between the administration of what we should do and what we should change since the whole multiboxing thing is kinda unfair and it gives a benefit to the player who does it. The administrators will have the last word on this report. When the decision will be made we will let you know in this thread and we will also inform you for any potential changes regarding multiboxing.
  5. Closing to prevent further drama and flood. I will reply when I will get back home.
  6. For future reports please indicate additional proofs from which realm is the violator from by sharing with us a screenshot of the scoreboard. I did a research in all realms to check if there is a character with the same name and class or if it was deleted by the offender and I confirmed that the player is from xfun but next time it will be really helpful for us to follow my recommendation. Player is punished.
  7. Все персонажи были забанены 13.05.2022
  8. If he does not want to show his character then don't buy it. No one can force anyone to buy a character and in case someone purchase a toon and he does not check him (in game or in shop) it's his own problem. Declined
  9. Greetings everyone and happy easter! Administration is going to host couple Hide & Seek events at xfun realm today. As usual, the winner will be the first who will find the event master in game. The price will be Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent at any character the winner wish. The event will be held approximately at 19:30-20:30 server time. There will be few announces in game before the event start and the area of where I will hide will be announced when the first round of the event will begin. Good luck to all participants!
  10. Hello, indeed it happens sometimes but it works properly after the server restart so I would ask you once again to try to repair your character through control panel. Also, I tried to summon your character in a safe place and you will be probably able to ressurect now. If no, please notify any GM you wish at forums/discord or open a ticket and ask for a resurrection. Closed
  11. For such violations I need a video proof and timestamps must be enable too so we can see the exact time when the player picked up the flag and when captured it. Declined
  12. He is from x100 not xfun so please for future reports provide extra evidences from the scoreboard from which realm the violator is. Banned, 3d.
  13. Hello, wrong section. Please create a new thread here and submit your suggestion to administration. Closed
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