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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. How I am supposed to find his IP if character doesn't exist? Since player isn't found it's impossible for me to get his account informations and eventually ban him. Player not found.
  2. Sure but you need to send me the proofs in P.M. If you got banned for bug abuse I don't want other people to be aware of it since they're going to abuse it. Closed
  3. I already replied in your appeal. Closed
  4. It happens because you downloaded the outdated launcher. Please install our launcher from here by any method you wish and also make sure to download our new pandawow client. Let me know if issue still persists.
  5. When you're reporting someone for insults you need to disable mature language filter. Declined
  6. Those evidences doesn't prove that player is hacking. Declined
  7. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, those screenshots doesn't prove that player is hacking. Declined
  8. If you disagree with your punishment you can appeal here and also please make sure to follow the format. Closed
  9. Multibox isn't against server rules. Declined
  10. We can't help you and complete your request if you don't provide any IP address because this is how we check if you're the real owner of this account or not. Declined
  11. Edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  12. If you can provide proofs that you're the real owner of this account then you need to open a new thread at other problems and you also need to follow the format so we can help you and eventually change your email. Closed
  13. Please next time just ask politely a staff member what you have to do so you can get unbanned instead of trash talking. Closed
  14. kashbhut I have already answered this question multiple times. The answer is here. You should have access to GM logs and you can actually check who we ban and how many bans we do daily right? Please read server rules. The standard punishment for the usage of 3rd party programs is 30 days. Correct, the server rules and policy are created by the server owners and remember that by your registration you agreed with those rules. Also, it's funny when people are stating that they don't play in pandawow anymore but their last log-in was yesterday :rolleyes::rolleyes: For the last time, you're not forced to continue playing in our server, if you don't like it you're free to leave instead of making the same complaints over and over again. You can go create your own private server with your own rules and policies if you don't like it but you shouldn't play here if you don't agree with the server rules in the first place. Closed
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