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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Had to laugh at this. This bug is possibly the most important, even more than the absorbs not being affected by dampening. WTB attention from the staff.
  2. Enjoy the bug, let's wait for repitch to ask Juster to fix it. Plot Twist - The bug persists forever and the mages dominate the server, creating the ArcaneNet destroying the other races and classes, in the end there will be only human mages and undead mages and the survivors will have to travel in time to stop it.
  3. My clarivoyance crystal ball told me that there will be 3k mages playing mage/mage comp and soloing arenas. I assure you, lol.
  4. Updated with new info. - - - Updated - - - Updated with video. Also, bump. FIX THIS ASAP.
  5. Furmetal

    Double procs

    This is not the problem. The thing is that the characters have no level stats, all of them come from gear, basically they are balancing by gear. How does that affect pvp overall? People get gear dependent and some classes share the same piece of gear thus making it harder, so when you balance one, you make the other one stronger than it should. If you cast a buff on a naked character nothing changes, but if he has gear it changes. That's a bug report for later.
  6. This need to be fixed today. Either remove Temporal Shield and fix it later, or fix it now. I can foresee people queuing double mage and abusing.
  7. Dude, this is WAY worse than any other bug that we have. WAY. WORSE. Mages can literally be immortal at any dampening.
  8. Realm tested - Pandawow Fun Date - 07/09/2015 Spell - Temporal Shield Description - The spell is healing the damage taken, but instead of healing the damage over 6 sec, it heals ALL of the damage each tick. How it should work - The healing from the spell should be equal to the damage taken divided by 6, thus it is healed over 6 sec. Priority - 10/10, this is FAR more important than the spellsteal bug. Proof - *Note - Yeah, that's right, 363k tick per second, one of the reasons why it is urgent. Special thanks to Noneedholy/SazziEU for the testing. Note that Discipline Priest/Mage will be overpower and unbeatable since the discipline's shields are not affected by dampening and nor is temporal shield(and if it is, who needs dampening when you can heal for 200m lol). Extra video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g5eEqZlvWSY
  9. Furmetal

    Double procs

    Realm tested - PandaWoW Fun Spell - Anything with a proc chance, such as Mastery: Bottled Fury or Brewing: Mana Tea. Date tested - 07/09/2015 Description - Most spells that hes a proc chance(such as the windwalker's tigereye brews or the mistweaver's mana tea) sometimes procs more than it should, ending up with ridiculous amount of damage and/or survivability. This bug has been affecting a lot of classes, like the elemental shaman's lava surge(it only happens sometimes, its hard to notice it as an elemental), and mostly important the windwalkers(they have their burst a lot faster and even makes a crit > haste How it should work - Those procs should have a milisecond icd, such as ~~0.05 so they don't proc twice. Proof(featuring the windwalker's tiger brew mastery) - Priority - 9/10
  10. Player - Ioi Realm - Fun realm 07/09/15 Report - It is noticeable that the mark that the flag leaves behind upon moving is very big with this one, thus alredy indicating that he's hacking. Unfortunately no video footage were taken, since it takes long to initiate it. Proof - Image 1, Image 2, Image 3
  11. I myself alredy applied for a job as moderator and/or tester, that was two or three months ago. Until now, I only got muted for obscene speech and anal jokes. I'm a dirty mouth. @Thread You can always come come here and notice that there are always the same kind of hackers(sometimes even the same players) doing the same things over and over...
  12. Just passing by to say that this still exists staff, stop pretending that this is over because it is not.
  13. Nah, I didn't mean that he was you, I alredy knew that he's not you. He's better than you. Now, in relation to my UI... Sorry if I don't use something barbie-ish like all of you, sorry if I prefer Blizzard's default look and organization.
  14. Notes This thread is made solely for the discussion of the actual conditions of the server and the administration's behavior about it. Do not expect any colorful banner or colorful words, this is serious regarding the server. If you want to comment, please read the final notes. The server's recent conditions The server's actual condition is simply sad, it is a matter of time until another server takes over the first place, the reason is that the responsible people for the server are neglecting it, this is just the beggining of the decline. Most of the PandaWoW's labor and efforts are being focused on a Warlords of Draenor server, which as we all know(and some statistics from Blizzard, and even myself which cancelled my sub after one month on end-game content) is one of the most unsuccessful expansions(since it doesn't add too much, excluding mechanics and the models which are even added to the Mists of Pandaria client) until now, specially their end-game which is where a private server focuses - the end game - thus making it a not so wise project to top it's priority over something that is more succesful. Everyday it is possible for you to see over fifteen hackers(sometimes even two hackers on the same BG), and the system used to prevent the use of illicit programs merely advises the GMs, that are also a problem, since they are not online(to be more precise the only active GM is Talvio a.k.a. Bukarasik), and most players also don't have the initiative or simply stopped caring enough to report a player(not mentioning those toxic or simply ignorant that don't even report accordingly to the rules), some even seek the help of hackers to do their usual BGs. Those "hackers"(they do not have knowledge of coding or anything, so the term used here is lamers which are people that only use a software that bypasses the engine granting them advantages and claim themselves to be hackers) are getting more and more popular, specially because with one Google search you can find that one third party program that allows you to fly and alter your speed at your will. The solution to this problem would be to hire/recruit more GMs, and there are some volunteers, good volunteers out there, but there is the neglection made by the staff(the Head-GM Кукла is the responsible for the recruitment) which can be resumed by the lack of answers, by it's delay with the in-forum contact and the pos-forum contact(if the volunteer is accepted) on skype(there is a two month or higher delay for you to be answered). The server slowly turned into something more and more about economic, and that reminds me of some games that I've played that closed, on which before their unfortunate closure there were the greed thirst of the distributor, increasing prices and launching senseless update, basically the bread and Circus that happened on Rome, basically they give you what you want and you assume that everything is fine. It is not. One of the things that made people donate are the Challenger Mode set transmogs, which are currently bugged and is only transmogrifiable through the use of a third party program(of which I can't mention since it is a violation of the rules 2.28), thus alredy reducing it's income. The more mercenary the distributor(PandaWoW) becomes, the closer to the end we reach, specially because there are little to no developers working on PandaWoW anymore(said on a post by Juster, I can't find it's source). Mine and others' desire to help the server(such as Lanstus, Uraganuu and etc) is great, mine for example is just because PandaWoW is where I spend most of my free-time(which is by the way huge since my job doesn't require much of time invested but thoughts and organization), this persistence is mostly represented with activities such as bug reports, that I doubt that most of them are even taken in consideration(but they are indeed read), mostly because we don't have anyone to work in bug fixing. The most simple and superficial bugs are being fixed, we can see that on the Blog of Changes(made by Bukarasik and participation of Shadrissa), but some bugs are existent and are within the staff's knowledge for over a year, such as the Ring of Frost bug, the spellsteal bug, the Necrotic Strikes ignoring PvP resilience and etc(example of ignored thread without a response of the reason of the closure), which is a clear display of neglection, turning the competitive gameplay(PvP) simply ridiculous, specially because the server is PvP focused(although it indeed possesses a PvE aspect), turning arenas a lot more unfair, the impact is even bigger in the 2v2 bracket which is an alredy unbalanced gameplay(in comparison to the 3v3 bracket). The volunteers that get the job, most of them are treated as lesser than the russians(this does exists, this comes from me, and others that came to be mods for a long time such as Lanstus and Uraganuu), this behavior can be shown in various forms, such as the bonuses received, the priority received from the staff in order to get answers or to get a better rank. Most of those mods also show a really poor job performance, supervisioning only one chat(such as only the [World] chat) and barely logging in(and also they do not attend to player reports, such as if a player is spamming in a chat and if you ask him to please join the chat so he could see it and punish properly, he declines it). Some things that are not bugged simply becomes bugged, from a changelog to another, such as the Challenger Mode transmogs. There were literally no changes regarding the transmogrification system when it got bugged, and while the bug itself is not something really big, it does have an impact on an economic point of view for the server, and that should be of full interest of the staff, unless if we are so close to the edge that we aren't even worth this anymore. I do not intend to give the message that the server is failing, but I do intend to pass the message that if the server keeps up like this, we will lose a lot of players to a rival server when it rises up. The only thing that keeps PandaWoW ahead of most of the other servers is the bug fixes and the amount of players, which most of them can easily be won with time. *Recent message of Juster in response to some thread reminding about some critical reports. Final Notes In resume, I want to know what all of you think about this. I'd like if we could avoid the flamme. If you want to flamme(offending implicitly or explicitly) please go to another thread(such as this one that lost its purpose). I would like to let any rivalry aside(such as with Chiv or Darsky) which are made purely for fun purposes(since I hold nothing against anyone here, and I had to be really low to do so on a forum from a game made for people to have fun). Make your comment if you wish, explain your point of view and opinion and be clear when you do so. If you have nothing to comment or something vague regarding the formation or pretty much anything unrelevant, don't comment. I'm also not gonna talk about the forums, such as the outdated content on information threads such as this one(which still says that using that using a certain third party program for transmogrifing purposes is bannable, which is not anymore) or the members of the staff(which still counts some people that are no longer mods such as Winwer as part of the staff), or that they delayed our changelog because they were "translating" it, while all that they did was a copy and paste from Google Translate(it had more than a three day delay for something that could've been done in 5 minutes or less). Let's not profane this thread, which took me a while to write and that I would not like to see it wasted. Thanks for you attention, specially if you read it all.
  15. Image totally unrelative to Chiv or to the post, ignore me. http://i.imgur.com/H5CKMi6.jpg
  16. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Also that has been reported alredy. A lot.
  17. Furmetal

    shadow priest

    I was going to post the meme but whatever. One simply does not do a bug report accordingly.
  18. Player - Hioshiru Realm - Fun Realm Description of the problem - I've got the pandaren ambassador achievement and yet I did not receive the mount. I've waited one hour for the mail to arrive and nothing yet(should be instant). What do I expect from the staff - I expect that my mount is given since I should get a mail from Lorewalker Cho with the mount in annex. 06/09/2015 Achievement and mount - Pandaren Ambassador and Pandaren Kite String. Proof - My mailbox, my mounts, my inventory, my reputation(image 1 and image 2), my achievement.
  19. Your report will be declined because you edited your screenshot. I recommend you changing it before Bukarasik comes here.
  20. Unfortunately the answer to your question is yes. It was disappointment. Not everything, I still think that the leveling and other stuff were great, just the end-game content that is 'meh'.
  21. Hmmm, that tells a lot about them.
  22. ^ Pretty much this. WoD is just LOL. The leveling and the ideas were good but the expansion itself. Just ugh. Yes, I did play WoD, got full gear, got to 1.7k with questing gear playing feral with questing gear/mage questing gear, easily. Still, I do assume that people above 2.2k on retail are indeed skilled or at least have money for a boost, and very persistent.
  23. If we had active GMs this thread would be pointless. Would. Indeed, not everyone has a dinamic IP, but ~~85% or more has it. Also, it seems unflexible to change the rules to ban someone by IP. In my opinion the solution would be to hire more GMs that actually do their job, all other things are mere auxiliars.
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